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Everything posted by SoltariDauthi

  1. i dont see why 343 cant figure this out. Forging the spartan opts (aka firefight) wouldnt be that hard. As far as 'paths' - the ai script could do one of three things to get around this, one is to hunt the players directly, the second is to set a 'hold' point which the ai moves to-to hold (like a hill for king of the hill) and a patrol zone, which is like a mix of the first two. this way u dont have to set the paths of each ai, and its able to be forged. As an update, 'UNLOCK SPARTAN OPTS FORGE' for 1600ms points, toss in a new map or two, throw in the Reach weapons left out (ie;needbine, spiker, ect) plug the remaining modles (brutes, buggers, and the flood) and have a give away contest to see who can forge the best full chapter, so in 3 months the highest rated chapters can get polished a bit, and released... and some lucky guy like me (for this idea as well) can get something... the next issue would be objectives, which each map has a few, and the forge editor would have hud markers when in forge mode that allows the forger to set objective order, ect... (set one path which is the 'quest path for the players or whatever-but you get the idea) and the ability to make it an endless survival (which was the greatest part of firefight!). once the missing covie/floodie models are together, know that the flood would be a mode that switches on half way thru, and it usually starts with spores. protheins dissolve so they get no flood models now (or yet...[???]) but covies and unsc would, which would be a switch in options with a round/wave # underneath it. Compile the remaining weapons missing from all halos (smg mauler ect...) and then have a true blue forge contest to recreate halo 123/3odst/reach/wars(?) add the extra wraith (AA version), covie u boat drop ship, revenant and other missing vehicals... all for 1600 pts, id buy, BUT allow anyone whos beaten a whole Ep on leg-solo forge it (but without this mentions expansion) so its functional for all players and the cry babys that are poor or cheap still get something out of it. a cred cap on forged lvls would be Req. then have a spart opts map set in wargames-with 'objective named' variant like downed pelican, protect/escourt, recover, guard (like gen defense, some have health/others don't)... moving forward- This also means later on that more beta testers can test new weapons and campain levels... so everything would be DLC, and there would be no need for halo 5. just short patchs, nice payout. later new proth models can be loaded, newer weapons, campain/multiplayer/Opts missions, and the core would be set perfectly... i do request an offline opts mode... internet isnt always easy to access for some, and most loved the firefights... so your losing buisness by keepin it online only, better hurry, XMAS is almost here, and as a former Reach tester that was heard and ignored... i have much to say and offer now if its worth it to you, 343. Msg me sometime on xbox live. SOLTARIDAUTHI oh apologies for spelling errors... cold hands, fast typing and a dark room dont go well together
  2. i dont see why 343 cant figure this out. Forging the spartan opts (aka firefight) wouldnt be that hard. As far as 'paths' - the ai script could do one of three things to get around this, one is to hunt the players directly, the second is to set a 'hold' point which the ai moves to-to hold (like a hill for king of the hill) and a patrol zone, which is like a mix of the first two. this way u dont have to set the paths of each ai, and its able to be forged. As an update, 'UNLOCK SPARTAN OPTS FORGE' for 1600ms points, toss in a new map or two, throw in the Reach weapons left out (ie;needbine, spiker, ect) plug the remaining modles (brutes, buggers, and the flood) and have a give away contest to see who can forge the best full chapter, so in 3 months the highest rated chapters can get polished a bit, and released... and some lucky guy like me (for this idea as well) can get something... the next issue would be objectives, which each map has a few, and the forge editor would have hud markers when in forge mode that allows the forger to set objective order, ect... (set one path which is the 'quest path for the players or whatever-but you get the idea) and the ability to make it an endless survival (which was the greatest part of firefight!). once the missing covie/floodie models are together, know that the flood would be a mode that switches on half way thru, and it usually starts with spores. protheins dissolve so they get no flood models now (or yet...[???]) but covies and unsc would, which would be a switch in options with a round/wave # underneath it. Compile the remaining weapons missing from all halos (smg mauler ect...) and then have a true blue forge contest to recreate halo 123/3odst/reach/wars(?) add the extra wraith (AA version), covie u boat drop ship, revenant and other missing vehicals... all for 1600 pts, id buy, BUT allow anyone whos beaten a whole Ep on leg-solo forge it (but without this mentions expansion) so its functional for all players and the cry babys that are poor or cheap still get something out of it. a cred cap on forged lvls would be Req. then have a spart opts map set in wargames-with 'objective named' variant like downed pelican, protect/escourt, recover, guard (like gen defense, some have health/others don't)... moving forward- This also means later on that more beta testers can test new weapons and campain levels... so everything would be DLC, and there would be no need for halo 5. just short patchs, nice payout. later new proth models can be loaded, newer weapons, campain/multiplayer/Opts missions, and the core would be set perfectly... i do request an offline opts mode... internet isnt always easy to access for some, and most loved the firefights... so your losing buisness by keepin it online only, better hurry, XMAS is almost here, and as a former Reach tester that was heard and ignored... i have much to say and offer now if its worth it to you, 343. Msg me sometime on xbox live. SOLTARIDAUTHI oh apologies for spelling errors... cold hands, fast typing and a dark room dont go well together
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