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Reetom Bera

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Grunt (1/19)



  1. Gamertag: Tomahawk00984 Map Name: Sword Base Lockdown Map Link: http://www.halowaypo...etails=30155153 Picture: I can't find a picture of it currently. However, I don't think this needs one. This is simply a modification to the original map Sword Base. I added effects and lighting to it to make it darker, and a few blockades to make it look like it is under lockdown procedures in the middle of the war. This adds for more aesthetic procedures, however, it DOES work really well with my custom gametype: Custom Gametype: Assassins Gametype Link: http://www.halowaypo...etails=30154944 Game Description: This is all about stealth. Everyone has unlimited AA usage. There are 4 loadouts for permutations between Sprint and Hologram AAs, and Energy Sword or Shotgun/Magnum equips. Shotgun and Magnum also has different amounts of plasma grenades than energy sword (Eh, I kinda forgot whether it was more or less. sorry ). BIG TWIST! Everyone has good active camo. It is difficult to see anyone, so you have to keep your eyes peeled. Body shot kills are worth 1 point, but a killing spree awards -1 points, so you end up getting nothing for shotgun kills when in a spree. Headshots award a 1 point bonus. Stickies and pummels award a 2 point bonus. Assassinations award a 5 point bonus. You realize the importance of sneaking around and remaining hidden. You are trying to find the opportune moment to assassinate players to achieve the greatest point bonus. Your point goal is 75 points and usually there is no time limit. NOTE: A multi-team version of this gametype can be created by enabling teams, and doubling the goal to 150 points. FFA Assassins is usually best with 5-10 players, and Team Assassins is usually best with 8-16 players. Sword Base Lockdown is awesome for assassins because everyone usually tends to go to the highest floors, where people can sneak up on one another and there is near constant action. Furthermore, the visual effects, blockades and lighting add for very nice corners and niches where people can hide making them borderline impossible to see. Not knowing whether anyone is there also adds for the surprise/fright factor that makes this game and map very thrilling!
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