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Everything posted by Shukunyami

  1. Hey, guys. Just wanted to try and get this map out there. I made it about a year ago over the course of a whole week, working on it every day from roughly 7 am to 3 am nonstop. I put a lot of work into making this map great and it's sucked seeing all that work going to waste, so I'm trying a bit harder to spread the word this time. Unfortunately, I don't have any pretty screenshots or footage of it because I'm too poor to afford a capture device. =/ But here's hoping this gets noticed, cause I busted my butt on this thing. Hope you guys enjoy, and please let me know what you think. And feel free to check out anything else you find interesting on my fileshare. I'll admit I'm not the greatest forger out there, but I worked hard on what I have. Thanks and hope to hear some feedback soon. Oh, and one last thing before I go! Make sure to play this map with the Tributes Impact gametype, which can also be found on my fileshare. I also have a hardcore version of Tributes that plays a little more realistically, but I have yet to put it up on my fileshare. I'll be getting around to that within the next day or so. Hunger Games Impact (Map) https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/players/shukunyami/halo4/fileshare#!/?section=GameMap&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0 Tributes Impact (Gametype) https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/players/shukunyami/halo4/fileshare#!/?section=GameSettings&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0&details=2dee5d19-579d-47b0-a80d-0da676a25bbb
  2. Map Name: Fusion Author: Shukunyami Compatible Gametypes: Slayer, CTF (Will add more later) Description: Fusion is an asymmetrical competitive map featuring a large nuclear reactor core in the middle of the map which is connected to a gravity well lift by a bridge. The reactor area serves as the base of operations for Red team. There is a teleporter that can take you inside the reactor, which can lead to hectic, cramped battles, as the inside doesn't have much room to move and features a kill ball floating in the middle and a hidden incineration cannon. The Blue Team base is a bunker with multiple floors and a pile of sandbags on top with a Binary Rifle resting against it. the are a few smaller structures littered around the map as well which feature different Promethean weapons hidden inside. The blue base, while not as easily defendable as red base, comes with 2 mongooses and 1 mantis, along with 3 small platforms that have machine gun turrets on them. Each base also has Dominion Turrets, which can be used in any game mode that allows for teams, but blue base only has 2 while red base has four. You can find the map on my fileshare, along with my other map, Hunger Games Impact. Enjoy!
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