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Everything posted by CsDarKnight

  1. It's unlikely because I remember them saying that they won't release it on PC and Ensemble Studios disbanded.
  2. I think they should create a armoury and use credits from games but have exp for ranks.
  3. That's probably not his real armor. Artistic Licence from video creators.
  4. Visor is too big and shiny. I hope they use the thing for the Cover of Game.
  5. Nice Siggy Spectral. OT: It'll probably be like ODST and it will have the Reach Engine.
  6. Exp was only for ranks. Ranks don't matter.
  7. They said they were going to start using dedicated servers.
  8. That would be kind of weird because it's usually only for friends.
  9. Oh God! No, please no! NOOOO! Ontopic: Why do you think Spartans have a reticle and the HUD? WE DON'T NEED ADS.
  10. I think it should be both, like exp for ranks and credits for items in the armoury(if they include one).
  11. Alright, thanks for the Info!
  12. Whoa, that's a long Signature. Ontopic: It's probably unlikely to happen because 343Industries in working on Halo: CE and the new Halo Trilogy.
  13. Welcome Anthony! Hope you enjoy the forums and hope to see some of your post!
  14. Welcome! How was your stay at the Forerunner planet?
  15. Welcome! You should be good as long as you don't break any forum rules.
  16. Welcome to the site! Hope you enjoy the discussions on the forums.
  17. That's why it's the first game was called Halo: Combat EVOLVED. Plus the gameplay changes, unlike CoD who uses the same stuff for everything. All they do is change weaponry and perks.
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