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Everything posted by Agony

  1. maybe they should take out the sniper too, its really powerful from long range.... the SAW is a power weapon, no **** its going to tear you up... especially due to the fact its a no skill weapon at close range (just hold the trigger and aim at centre body mass) or a few short bursts from a longer range can occasionally beat a bad DMR'er I personally don't like it in MLG due to the fact it requires little skill with big reward. My sister would probably beat me 1v1 with the SAW, but if she picked up a sniper she would fail. SAW just noobs things up and shortens the skill gap.
  2. True skill won't mean crap on Halo 4 if they don't add in search good connection, my sister could get a 50 in MLG with some of the hosts that me and my mates come up against. I would rather wait an extra 10 mins in the search lobby then go into a game that is unplayable due to a bad host. I would like to see true skill implemeted into some ranked playlists like snipers, lone wolves, MLG, but we definately need good connection searching. this crap where it gets to the point where a sword or flag hit don't even register is beyond a joke, let alone times where you have to use between 7-10 shots of DMR to just knock the shields off some guys.
  3. I believe you may be the "Anti-Halo" You totally missed my point, and raged because you're a know all casual gamer. Just like the know-all fans in the football stadiums or at home on their lounge that like to think they could change the game for the better but they fail to se the bigger picture. You're probably a backseat driver judging by how you responded to my post. You're wife could hire a Professional plumber to try and fix the plumbing in your house and you would know better because you've change the shower head a few times, Not like the professional knows better than me because I know what is best for everything! Read this part carefully.... Do you think 343 should just ignore the requests from players at the Professional level and just leave the game as it is, If i were going to consult an accountant or business advisor because my business was losing money. Do you think I would go to the very best at what they do, or just go find some guy that does it cause it's fun. You seem to be lacking some common sense, and I am starting to think you might be Kevin Franklin (He seems to have this type of attitude)
  4. This is a terrible thread, but reading it just dumb founded me to how ignorant the "casual" gamers are. Say I play football casually for my local town, Now if the NFL were going to make some rule changes to their sport. Do you think they would much rather take the opinion of their PROFESSIONAL players, rather then myself and my buddies who just play casually for fun. This is not saying that the PROFESSIONALS will always make the best decisions, but sure as hell they know alot more about what their talking about then a bunch of casual players. You seem to think that the competiive community are trying to take the fun out of the game.... Do you really think they would play Halo if it wasn't fun? They would not be putting in all these hours of gameplay if they didnt love Halo and they would much rather see it be the best game ever rather then die off. Maybe you should step back and let those people who are highly commited to this game make it into something better. Their is always room for improvement with anything. Maybe instead of being totally against what these "Pros or competitive gamers" are putting forward you should maybe say: yeah that sounds good but maybe try tweaking it a little this way, rather then just outright saying no. So my conclusion is, you should still voice what you think is going to make the game better, but maybe take into consideration that some of these guys pushing for more competitive settings are highly towards improving the game. Also to add on to my previous comment, your first line about wanting the same old levels rather then new ones. I bet a race car driver would like to see the Nurburgring on the racing schedule every year due to the fact it is a brilliant track, why can't you do the same for a Halo level. Of course if some new brilliant levels come in that can replace the great old Halo maps, then yeah... we would'nt need them in matchmaking. But it would allways be nice to play on your old favourite map everyonce in a while. Have you ever been on a holliday to the same place twice? If so... you're a hypocrite. Travelled the same way to work because it's simple the best way? Well again, You're a hypocrite Wanting to do the same thing over and over again because its fun, the best or whatever reason you like it for, should'nt be condoned against. I would like to play on some of the best old Halo maps, but also play the new ones. I don't see how you could be against it, You just seem to want to oppose against what other people want rather then come to an agreement somewhere in the middle
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