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Posts posted by lijii

  1. Hi there, love playing Halo 4 custom or war games but too old to talk about Ben 10 or whatever crap is the in thing with 12yo's today? I have a few friends all over 25 who play for fun but like to win. We aren't big on talking but still want more players of a decent age who know when to run around lone wolf style and when to stand together and shoot the crap out of the enemy as a team. Ideally NZ or Au players due to time zones, and a sense of humour and good connection essential. Don't need to commit to certain times or anything as most of us can't either due to kids and jobs and life, etc. Gamertag is Lijii, send a request and mention this forum.

  2. No I am an older gamer(41). When did a 16 year old gamer become older?


    that comment isn't meant to sound offensive, sorry if it does. If 16 makes you older what am I, a forerunner?!? :laughing: Just that I am keen to find older players who can game without talking mindless drivel the whole way through. I tend to do the same thing as you, even though I have some 5.1 trittons and not talk.

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