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Posts posted by FatalRecoiil

  1. I think since there are very few spartan Is still alive, along with the few remaining IIs, they should voice their opinion on the matter. Naomi is conflicted but we never saw how she ended up feeling about it. The chief just came home so hes not even aware of the situation. Ozman obviously despises that she was even in that situation or is just fufilling paragonskys last order to have halsey eliminated.


    Either way they should start wrapping things up in 5 just so 6 dosent feel like a cluster f--- of endings.

  2. Man i was playing halo ce when i was 9. Just runnin the campagin onlegendary all night with friends. Then came halo 2 and i got xbl. Moved to a new neighborhood and met a kid who blew me out of the water. So i played withhim and ultimatley played with shook one allot and it took off from there. Went to my first event in htown and loved it. Then i had to travel for H3 man that was the shi... It was fun. And it will probably never happen again

  3. Some of you may remember my belligerent rant a couple weeks back. And since i haven't started any new topics and i rarely post here. I feel like i was brushed off because of my language. My points were there but because of the way i said it people weren't having any of it. So heres round two, clean version because i gave some one my word.


    Things i see wrong with halo.(keep in mind i know almost everything there is to know about this game) Ima break this down into two sections. Things that can be easily fixed by no real effort or spending on 343s half, and things that require effort/spending. First off, no effort fixes:


    Take out insta spawn. It promotes rushing. Even pros like ninja ( ima hesitate to call ninja pro ) cant resist spamming x and instant spawn then rush right to the weakened enemy that killed him.

    Add an x over a dead teammate. This was taken out because of insta spawn.

    Have players keep moving while looking at the score. Its almost insulting that was taken out. Like, we cant do two things at once.

    Have players zoomed out when shot. Keeping players zoomed in when they're shot makes the already dumbed down sniper even easier to use. Same goes for the br and dmr and every other gun.

    No auto join. When i start MM i don't want to join a losing game. I also don't want to join a ffa game half way through. I personally back out right away. But thats me.

    Drop the magnetism. With the magnetism so high its almost pointless to strafe or make any strategic moves to avoid being shot.

    On the same topic, fit the hit boxes to the appropriate body parts. If i can only see a players head, and i get a hit-marker with the snipe, id expect to have him killed. After further investigation its registering in the upper chest area. Also i can have the reticule above an enemies head and still get a head shot.

    Reduce the br spread. It will balance out the range between the dmr and br. If only slightly. Its still unfair the range the dmr has compared to the br.


    Effort/spending required:

    Dedicated servers. 343 said them selves that halo 4 is pushing the 360 to its absolute limits. So why are these same systems being used as servers? First of all the 360 is in no way to be used as a reliable server let alone run a game that is putting amazing stress on its processor, FSB and memory continuously. This is probably not going to be considered until halo 5 due to the next gen console on its way. It would make for better game play and less shots through walls. Besides, 343 boasts about the top notch technology at their disposal through the funding of Microsoft.

    A better spawn system. I mean seriously. Especially in doubles. I couldn't hate this game more when i cant spawn near my teammate, but both the enemies spawn inside my setup. Ive studied the the spawn system inside and out and the obvious intentions were good i commend 343 on the solid attempt. But the obvious result was not the intended one.

    Better maps. 343 is on the right track with the latest map pack, but still needs work. I suggest enlisting the help of salot and other professional forges who have brought well made MLG maps to the MLG circuit.

    Texture to forge?? What happened? Ever since reach everything looks the same. Its bleak and boring. Halo 3 had textures and colors and it made everything look interesting. Not a simple blob with colored lines that are to identify areas of the map. Don't get me wrong even though i don't like MM i support the advances in forge from 3 to reach, and from reach to 4. But different texturing options would be nice. Oh and maybe some grass, or a tree? It looms weird having just rocks and everything else is like metal or concrete looking.

    A ranking system. Im aware of your true skill system. Im aware that if you don't play a certain playlist for a while, you play scrubs when you come back. You don't need to base a true skill system off a 1-50 numbered system like 3 did. You could throw in the numbered system as a competitive edge, i don't know but if you put some EFFORT into it, every one could be happy.


    343 is definitely moving in the right direction. Turning off auto join in throw down and throw down altogether has been a pretty good success. The bolt shot nerf was great and game play has improved ten fold so far. It would be nice to see 343 take an active role in their own threads like bungie did to at least make their presence known. I lurk from time to time and i haven't seen a 343 employee or well known member of the design crew post or anything of the sort. I like the forge improvements but like i said the forge maps are so bleak and unartistic.


    Halo WAS a great competitive game while at the same time has opened a universe similar to that of the star wars universe. The competitive portion was created with a reliable formula for a fps. Bungie strayed far far far from that formula and 343 kept it going by smoothing the edges out of reach. Halo was great for a reason, and is now just another game to be picked up and played by any one. It took skill, knowledge and time to master the game and now i find it hard to distinguish my skills from others on the score board. Its not that im (or any other veteran player ) lost our touch, but that any one can now pick up the game and be generally good at it. I suggest 343 implement some new but not to radical tactical features into halo 5. It looks like this is what we have to work with from now on rather than that legendary game i used to play, so i might as well throw in my two cents...

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  4. I wouldnt mind playing with you. So long as your not 100% focused on your k/d and try to pad it with noob tactics.

    Im probably not going to be playing much with any one besides my brother were getting ready for a tourney next week.

    But add me ~ Fatal Recoiil

  5. I had figured halsey would recreate corronna with all the same memories. But it looks like shes gonna be doing some treason according to the latest spartan ops. So either a new ai or osman head of oni will pull some strings because she was a spartan 2 with jon


    Speaking of osman, are we gonna get another book explaining how she came to power and what happened to naomis father?


    I would imagine that sarah Palmer will be the voice in the Chief's ear, considering that she is the Commander of all spartans aboard the Infinity. Other than that Dr. Halsey could also fill that role. Roland would not be a good choice as he is a ship A.I. and is needed to remain on the Infinity.


    She is the commander of spartan 4s. And since most spartan 2s are dead or retired and all spartan 3's are dead with the exception of like 5, she should have no command over him. If anything he should be higher ranked than him.


    Also why is he still a master chief? Where are the promotions for destroying two halos, the ark, countless covenant vessels/soldiers, a prophet, and high charity. And why the hell do they keep putting him back in fights. I get hes the main character and all, but in real life hed be retired after the first halo.

  6. Message to 343...


    If you do not implement a TRUE SKILL ranking system into halo 4. YOUR GAME WILL FAIL in the long run. I just watched a video saying that true skill will only be seen through waypoint. If so this will be very disappointing this is not what halo fans want. Resulting in many people not buying the game. IF YOU PUT A TRUE SKILL IN YOU WILL SELL 3X AS MANY COPIES IN THE LONG RUN. its a shame you didnt do this at launch, you may have sold even more... People dont want to play causally for 10 hours straight. It gets boring after 5 games. in halo reach there is not a single reason for me to try to win the game. Then in halo 3 i am actually competing for a reason, SOMETHING IS ON THE LINE... I CARE ABOUT MY RANK..


    What you can do is create the best of both worlds. and get fans from reach and halo 3. Leave halo 4 the way is now BUT add a whole new RANKED PLAYLIST just like halo 3 had. HALO 3 is still going strong. HALO REACH IS DEAD. IT FAILED... There is your proof..


    And i would rather have to deal with all the cheaters and booster then not even play at all. You guys created a video game it cant be that hard to figure out how to stop them or ban them.




    i will post this in many forums to hopefully get your attention - THANK YOU & HAPPY THANKSGIVING


    No this would be ridicoulous. Frank o'conor dosent like people who can abuse the system from halo 3. So no ranking system ever. Even if they somehow put in work (like they should be doing anyway) and make a decent system. Never. That would be out of the question.


    I refuse to change my opinion untill 343 can give me a legitamate answer as to why there is no true skill and people get points for not finishing their kills.




    Well with CoD's business model of re-hashing every year, there is no need for a ranking system. It apparently works for them, but does not mean it will work with other FPS models.


    Halo is Halo for a reason (or once was) and unless they are adopting that business strategy of yearly releases then there is no way a developer would not want to extend longevity on their game. That's why it seems very fishy and they could be planning on doing yearly re-hashes aka cash grabs.


    Bungie's Destiny is looking amazing every second new information comes out. I trust them in understanding what FPS gamer's want and if anyone has the innovation to break in a new genre it is them. Especially since they won't have MS or other big corporate executives breathing down their neck to complete as quick as possible and to develop it THEIR WAY (think Halo Reach). When Bungie acts on their own premise you see a true development team that cares about their fans and listens!


    Great explanation as to why cod still succeeds as a game. And why halo should never attempt to copy it.

  7. Whatsup guys.


    I've been playing Halo since CE. What I realized recently was that while I have been playing Halo for years, I have never played Halo as a competitive player. I really started looking at all this MLG this and Pro that after Halo 4 came out, so I feel REAL late to the party. In fact, I am probably already too late. However, that isn't going to stop my drive to improve at this game.


    I have already made a topic or two about this; I am interested in improving my skill as a player. I want to aim better, strafe better, and throw nades better. When I see users talk about there skill on these forums I often see statements like:


    "Yeah, I used to to be bad until I started to play smarter"


    Well, not exactly like that, but it is generally the same meaning. So what I am asking in this topic is what does it mean to play smarter? What mindset is the best to approach this game?


    Does it mean stuff like, don't chase enemies behind corners, or stay out of open areas? Or does it mean stuff like know the appropriate range to engage enemies with your weapon? Cuz I already know this stuff, however I feel like I am still approaching this game wrong. I would at least like to be an above average player, so I would like to know what the correct mindset it takes to play "intelligently" like so many people claim.


    I understand that there are many players here with above average skills at this game so I would like to know what it means to play intelligently, if anybody would be so kind as to elaborate for someone as slow as I am, apparently.


    The best way i could describe it is by dying as little as often. Do not put your self in situations at will get you killed unless its absolutley neccisary, like taking shots for the flag carrier to complete an objective. Basically playing smart results in little deaths. You play smart by manuevering the map, not rushing to your death instantly, supporting your team, move the map while staying in decent cover, and just generally out smarting your enemy.

  8. As we all know that Halo is off the pro circuit for the spring championship do you think that theres a chance it will be back on the next stop.


    Watching the Starcraft 2 at spring championship i noticed a LOT of bring halo back posters and yes a 'i love pistola' poster as well


    Please express your thoughts on this topic.


    No. No.


    They continued to keep reach because they thought halo 4 would be better and halo would bounce back in the community. It didnt most amature, semi pros, and pro halo players simply quit. Along with the fan base. Nobody wants to go back to reach.



    What's your GT? I'll add you as I'm am always looking to 1v1 competitive players. Also I like that guide you have been posting everywhere. You plan on expanding in it?


    Edit: Nevermind, don't know how I missed your GT in the post

    Yea ive been working on a new one thats more in depth. I made the first one for competitive gamers by getting back to basics and posting new info about the game. I realize there wasnt alot of moderate info in it because i figured there wasn't much i could tell the competitive community that they didnt already know. But ima drop the finished version here and few other places.


    Edit: dequire you realize this is a match making based conversation? Nowhere in my original post did i mention spartan ops or campaign. And my offer still stands. Im waitin for you to prove im a bad player and cant play the game.



    I think that, again, there are differing opinion on that. I think that, while CoD makes lots of money, the game really isn't great. The CoD franchise is legendary, but the CoD games are not at this point. People buy them because that's what they think they should do. I can tell you right now that people won't stand for CoD games that just recycle gameplay and textures over and over, which is what is starting to happen.


    I like that Halo is trying a different direction. You're also right by saying that CoD plays better than Halo 4 does right now, because it really does. That being said, I'd much rather play Halo 4 than CoD, and you want to know why? Because I can appreciate Halo 4. The game is unique, unlike the CoD games are.


    There are lots of different perspectives though.


    Im all for the advancement of games. But when it completely gets rid of the classic feeling and plays like a completely different game, thats where i draw the line. I wouldn't mind all these add ons, i really wouldn't, if they were optional. I would have no problem with the game if it had both the current halo 4 attributes and classical competitive halo settings as well. In that scenario it would appeal to almost all gamers in a sense. But they made the settings so limited in custom game options, were forced (no mattar how much we tweak it) to play this version of call of duty.

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    Yea I agree with you man. It's not easy making an amazing game. Just because someone wants something, doesn't mean you can always have it. Like I still enjoy playing halo 4. Sure, there are a lot of things that annoy me and wish that they were different but there's nothing you can really do about it. The games still fun for me, I don't know about you however...


    No doubt its not easy. But when you have three legendary games back to back, youd figure they would stick with the original formula.

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  12. I don't agree with how you said it, but I agree with the overall message.



    They continued mechanics from reach that were taking away from the halo experience, not adding to it.


    They shouldn't have just accepted all the things that were in reach. Why the hell is the DMR in this game? It only exists because of Halo Reach. There's too many guns in this game that fill the same niche, but they aren't created equal so it only results in an unbalanced experience. If the battle rifle, and carbine had better range, I would be happy with them just taking out the DMR. Not to mention there's the light rifle, so that's....4 rifle weapons when we only needed two.



    I would have proof read your post, you say you've been playing the games since 2004 then you should have learned how to post without sounding like a 5 year old.


    You obviously dont know what a rant is. And for the rest of you who are offended by my post deal with it. I posted it right after my session of amazing host matches and spawn kills.


    Look i understand allot of people enjoy the game. Theyre what we call casual gamers. Allot of casal gamers enjoyed halo 2 and 3. Thats probably why they did so well, casual players mixed with serious gamers. Since halo reach dropped the competitive players have been phased out. Were not having fun and dont have another game to go to. Most pros are trying to make a statment by switching to cod. I just dont understand why they think they need to extend theyre fan-base to every casual player on xbl and leave out the competetive players.


    And the worst part is,... I tried with this game. Ever since it dropped. Ive been playing understanding the physics and everything else you can think of. Im simply losing patients. And if halo 5 is going to be anything like 4, 343 descend from your throne and tell me now ill take my *** back to halo 3.

  13. Ive been a competetive halo player since 2004. Nine years of my life have been influenced by the halo series to an extent. Ive played well over a thousnd hours on xbox live in halo 2 and 3 alone. I know what im talking about when i tell you this game is bad. Let me explain why.


    First off these stupid little tweeks 343 felt was necessary to continue from reach. Armor abilities, sprint, ordinance drops, tacticl upgrades? Why? Why was any of that put into halo? Sure it was in reach and youd think 343 would take a hint at the 'shocking' failure bungie had with that and simply reverted back to classic halo. But no. 343 decided that it would create a glorified reach. Sprint brings nothing to the game, strategically speaking, AA is the dumbest idea ever. Like promeath vision, why would you give some one the option to see through a wall??? You might as well just get rid of the damn wall. And now that invis is an AA, campers cant resist from picking up the damn bolt shot and camping behind a cornor.


    Speaking of boltshots, why has the numberof one hit kill weapons increased so dramaticly? Bolt shot, stick detenator, railgun incin cannon, bianary rifle. Wy so many? Especially the bianary rifle. No skill involved in shooting someones foot and getting a kill. Not to mention the overpowered assault rifle and shot guns. All of them, assault rifle, shotgun, and boltshot have wayyyyy to much range and power for their range capabilities. Its truley giving more power to the playersin every cornor of the halo community. Also the scatter shot is almost automatic. The br spread is the worst out of any halo title and has absolutley no range.


    The spawn system. Jesus christ the spawn system. The spawning system is a half assed attempt at placing players on the map after death. In team doubles i cant spawn near my teammate for **** but both enemies can spawn in my area and pick up the kill. I would much rather be spawn trapped and fight my way out of it than what ever this is. Your instant spawn does nothing but make it easier for god awefull players to rush continuously. And your wexcuse for it is to make the game more fast paced. What was wrong with it before instant spawn???? Why does it need to be spead up? It makes no sense.


    343's maps are equivalent to horse ****. I understand they want the community to make the small competetive maps, but we cannot create anything as good as the publishers of the game could. Cosmetics, scenery, decent color coded areas. 343 has the ability to create great maps. But they dont. They make an assanine amount of vehicle maps with little to no small maps.


    Ranking system. I honestly could live with out it but come one. Because halo 3's system was riddled with cheats and exploits, your just going to quit? Just give up on the idea of a ranking system???? And in place of a system you give us call of duty style perks n stuff? 343, instead of putting in any decent amou t of work and testing to make a ranking system you just quit. Well if thats the case you may as well just quit the halo series altogether because this is a goddamned joke.


    Then you go and pat yourselfs on the back because orginizations like cnn and ign( who play the game for no more than a week or two just to get a first impression) say the game is great and the best yet. Dont startpopin bottles yet cause you should really be listening to the community. The ones who play your product, the ones spend hours on the internet playing your merchandise. I find it ind blowing that it took bravo to get a doubles playlist up and running. Youd think 343 would have done it out of pure logic but no. Bravo convinced them to do it andi congratulate him on that.


    Speaking of your playlists, you throw in team objective, takeout odd ball(in team objective) and keep flag (also in objective) andyou also keep crimson dlc, that successful playlist with only 600 players at its peak. Im almost done with rant so in conclusion, 343 should start listening to the community that has logged hours of gameplay on the halo series. Pull your head outof your asses.


    Halo 5 should have no customizable loadouts, less bullet magnetisim, a spawn system that isnt the result of iguanna whos diet consistedof halo ce and reaches spawning systems, ranking system, br with decent range, lessover powered one shot kill weapons, no sprint because its murdering the small map portion of the game, no instant spawn, and a beta so we can tell you when youve up..


    For the record im not buying halo 5 ima steal that. Your not gettin no money from me. If its bad i swear to god ima mail you halo 4 and 5 disk fragments in an envolope. darn 343 for ruining a great series. I hope you bring back classic halo i really do. But in the mean time you and thats not going to change no matter how many updates you make


    EDIT: i like how theyre censoring my posts. So if it dosnt make sense its the forum mods fault. They didnt like my language, so just use your imagination. Yea their seriously editing my **** so take what you want from it.

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