That's all I have to say. We as the faithful Halo community have waited for this game to arrive, we purchased it, and now we don't get half of the custom games and forge options that we got in the previous Halo games. We don't even get a decent sized forge map! This is completely unacceptable. Read this forum: So as you can see I am not the only one with this opinion, bring back what has made Halo great. We don't need any "new" features, we need the options that we fell in love with back when Bungie was in charge of the Halo franchise. No excuses, Microsoft gave you the right to carry one the series, and so far you have seriously messed it up. Stop holding back the community from being creative, let US make Halo better, because obviously you don't know how to. Maybe if you listened to the community rather than ignoring them and focused on the traditional elements of Halo such as "options" half as much as you focused on graphics and copying Call of Duty than the faithful community might be a little happier. Yet you continue to ignore us. It seems everytime someone posts a negative forum on here or Halo Waypoint, you're either with 343i or against them, well let me tell you- Us loyal Halo players, those that started playing the series since Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 2, Halo 3, and even Halo: Reach when Bungie was in charge are saddened at what Halo 4 has become, no more creativity... just new graphics, less options, and elements from Call of Duty in an attempt to attract non-Halo vets to the series to make more money. 343i, it's not about making money, it's about making a quality game; Call of Duty isn't a quality game, yet it sells more copies than any other game, don't go down that path. Save Halo, it's not too late!