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Bulls Red

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    Bulls Red

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Jackal (2/19)



  1. Did you look back at the mission screen and make sure you completed all of them on Legendary?
  2. In my opinion, Halo 4 had one of my favorite campaigns in the series. It showed the human side of Chief , rather then him just being a war machine. It was actually emotional because I felt bad for the Chief and we had to break our balls to rescue her in Halo 3. I loved the ending and even though it was a 5 hour campaign, it still was one of the best campaigns in my eyes in the Halo series.
  3. I agree with this. If you look at the terminals, he hated humans. There might be a very big human vs. forerunners in the next Halo game as this guy said. At least I hope so.
  4. Captain Del Rio made me laugh with his rage. He should be in Halo 5 and die of a stroke from a temper tantrum.
  5. I wish they can make the SMG more like the one in Halo 2. But I think that changing the players height won't work out, mainly because it'll be harder to see the smaller guy and easier to see the taller guy.
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