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Bulls Red

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Posts posted by Bulls Red

  1. In my opinion, Halo 4 had one of my favorite campaigns in the series. It showed the human side of Chief , rather then him just being a war machine. It was actually emotional because I felt bad for the Chief and we had to break our balls to rescue her in Halo 3. I loved the ending and even though it was a 5 hour campaign, it still was one of the best campaigns in my eyes in the Halo series.

  2. * Spoiler* Did no one listen to the end of the campaign. The was the one guy released (can't remember his name) for the satellite. He said the forerunners should destroy humanity. Most likely we haven't seen the last of the forerunners. It's probably going to be a big war between earth and the forerunners just Like it was the first time the forerunners destroyed humans. That's what I think will happen.


    I agree with this. If you look at the terminals, he hated humans. There might be a very big human vs. forerunners in the next Halo game as this guy said. At least I hope so.

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