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Everything posted by AIGamerGirl

  1. I like it. Aesthetically pleasing. Keep up the good work.
  2. AIGamerGirl


    Come back to us soon! You got that?! I'll be waiting!
  3. When cooliest gets back on, we shall!
  4. #ShoutboxSinging MAKE THIS HAPPEN!
  5. Love it :3 Wish I still had The Dumb Marines
  6. I've never seen an 8-bit bender and I think it looks great. The link is spot on as well. Keep up the good work!
  7. Still recruiting for GOR!

  8. That's right! Ghosts of Razgriz, the famous Ace Combat/Halo 4 clan, is back on the scene and recruiting once more. We also have a new set of requirements! 1. No longer will positive k/d be a requirement. We now accept all k/d's and will help you train to become better then you were! 2. Mic's are still required. We understand if it brakes but please do try to replace it soon. 3. We lowered are age requirement from +17 to +15! If you are 14 and turn 15 in less than 6 months then WE WILL ACCEPT YOU. *Note: You don't need to know anything about Ace Combat to be in the clan.* We have many active members and leaders ready to assist and we have both USA and UK members so there's always someone on! Come and play! To be recruited contact one of the following members: RAZGRIZ GIRL LiamFuzzyBear MCLELLAND 96 *Or you could just reply to this topic!* Website: http://ghostsofrazgrizclan.weebly.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GhostsOfRazgriz?bookmark_t=page
  9. This is a status.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AIGamerGirl


      Ugh fine but I'm logging out for now. See you around Az :)

    3. Azaxx


      Byebye Raz~

    4. D-38 Boss

      D-38 Boss

      This is a Comment on a Status.

  10. Just going to leave this here http://ghostsofrazgrizclan.weebly.com/
  11. The website looks great! The grey words are a bit hard to read against the bubbled background though.
  12. This clan is still recruiting and this topic is being checked everyday still!
  13. This is the website, updated at least every two days. http://ghostsofrazgrizclan.weebly.com/
  14. Then welcome to the clan. I'll get you up to speed ASAP on xbox.
  15. I already checked your k/d before replying. All that's left is if you have a mic or not!
  16. When replying in the options between a bubble and a twitter option will be a blank space. Click it.
  17. Oh ok well I'll be here for when you're ready.
  18. Thank you so much! And of course! Is tomorrow good and how many do you need?
  19. We have our site up now! http://ghostsofrazgrizclan.weebly.com/ Also we took suggestions from our members and now have the availability to have help with achievements, campaign, and Spartan Ops!
  20. It's so nice to see all the avatars at once!
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