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Mr. X

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Everything posted by Mr. X

  1. I'm looking for some custom games, too. I don't Forge anything myself but I frequently download other maps an I will play anything! GT: alen13 (and no I'm older than 13)
  2. Sticky Detonator in combination with the hologram is awesome - it's amazing how so many people fall for that decoy.
  3. Mr. X


    If simply getting kills is the only thing that matters to you then fine. The problem is just that it doesn't take much skill to use so it's a cheap way to get kills. It decreases the skill gap between "good" and "bad" players which makes the game a lot less competitive. Instead of having to work on your aiming (with the magnum for example) or such things you get a weapon with which a new/ bad player can relatively easily kill a much better player who has spent much time with the game in order to improve - it's like the Sawed-Off Shotgun in Gears of War 3 if that tells you anything. Yes you can say "use it or ur problem" but this competitiveness is just one of the things which make Halo unique.
  4. I have always hated those double meele/ sprint beatdown guys. Meele doesn't take much skill most of the time so I'm fine with it.
  5. Mr. X


    Seriously? The overcharged Boltshot has way too much reach. Granted, it can't kill you outside of point blank range but it still blows your shields away even if you're like 10 feet away. Thank god i don't see that many people using it - but when they do it's so frustrating; no one should have a one shot kill weapon as they spawn... And yes, the real "noobs" are the ones using DMR. I use it myself but I would much rather use the Carbine or the BR if the DMR wouldn't outclass them so heavily.
  6. I really liked the campaign but I've got a question regarding Cortanas rescue of the MC at the ending. Why could she help the Chief in the fight physically and "tie" the Didact down by becoming this blue beam thingy? Also why could she protect the Chief from the big explosion at the end by forming this protective bubble? It was never ever mentioned that Cortana could do this kind of things, since she is, after all, still a virtual being and her visual appearance is only a kind of hologramm. That she could take physical form at the end felt a bit like Deus Ex Machina for me, but I wouldn't bug me if they had mentioned it somewhere in the final level or something, which I they didn't - or did I miss something?
  7. I definitely reminded me of Call of Duty (especially the endings of MW 1 and 2). Even though CoD didn't invent Quick Time Events I pesonally think that's where they got their inspiration from, because CoD popularized those Final-Boss-QTEs in Shooters. While I don't think it's bad (without that the final battle would have felt really anticlimatic), I wish they would have come up with another way to "flesh out the boss battle". Nevertheless, I think that they felt a bit out of place in a Halo game, especially the one at the beginning with killing the Elite. Just because other shooters do it, doestn't mean Halo has to do it to.
  8. I didn't try out the multyplayer but the campaign is really good and the story has quite some interesting turns. I also liked the mix between linearity and openness which you don't see often. The only thing which nearly breaks the game is the ******* stupid enemy AI. Seriously, it's one of the worst I've ever seen (just type in Crysis 2 AI on youtube).
  9. Besides Halo 1 and 2 I keep returning to other original Xbox Games like Half Life 2 or Mech Warrior 2 (there still isn't anything quite like it). Oh and I also play the campaign of Gears of War 2 from time to time. I think GOW 2 has one of the best and most expertly structured campaigns of any action shoooter.
  10. I hope what you say is true Sova (that there will be a permaned "final playlist"). But still I dare to question their strategy, since many people become bored with the same few gametypes and move on to another game instead of waiting. Also it is one of the things which make the game look terribly unfinished (now I almost believe that they absolutely HAD to get the game exactly on November 6th out). Instead of this they could have given us the "complete playlist" and then gradually taken out the gamemodes with a small population instead of the other way around. This shouldn't feel like a friggin beta... What was great about Reach was the variety, so the sudden lack of BTB CTF, One Flag, Griffball, Forge-Map Matchmaking, even Coop Campaign in MM (wtf?) is really disappointing.
  11. I personally think grenades are as important to the core gameplay of Halo as the shooting, so I don't think wishing for a seperate playlist just without grenades is as legitimate as, say, wishing for one without armor abilites. If you purely want shooting, the closest thing is SWAT, in which "marksman skills" matter even more there because you have no shield. Also, I don't think it's that bad with the grenade spamming and I don't have the impression that the "bigger explosion"-perk gives you that much additional damage (although it would be nice for someone to test that out). But I agree that you shouldn't be able to carry more than 2 grenades. I also agree with the Plasma grenades - what the hell were they thinking? It's not that bad in Team Slayer, but in Big Team Battle? I use them myself all the time, but they make the game really imbalanced. Especially when you're able to spawn with a Plasma Pistol in addition to that. The Vehicles are already quite a bit weaker than in previous games and with my PP+Grenade Combo I'm able to destory every Warthog/ Ghost etc. that crosses my path, where in previous games I had to run away or get the Power Weapons. Spartan Laser, Bazooka etc. aren't even necessary anymore. Where is the classic playlist we were promised before launch??
  12. Mr. X

    The Thruster Pack

    Don't forget you can maneuver yourself out of the blast radius of grenades or just surprise your enemy. I was able to turn quite some 1on1's to my favor because you can suddenly use a unpredictable move while the enemy is shooting at you. It's just a shame that it takes too damn long to reload; even with AA efficiency it needs like 6 seconds of recharging time to become usable again so I think it may need a slight buff.
  13. I'm 19 years old, very handsome and I love Halo. Actually the main reason I signed up here is to be able to play some custom games and coop from time to time, since I live in Switzerland and most of the people I know are playing BLOPs lol
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