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    N.S.W Australia

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Jackal (2/19)



  1. there is well over 500 members so do the maintenance
  2. I was looking at the price on the eb games website and it said that CEA is $108 dollars, somethings wrong. Even though the aussie dollar is higher than the usa the usa's gaming tax is much lower and their consumerism is much higher so the money they make over there will be around the same we make here. So if you are angry or even furious with the price it will get sorted eventually, because the price in the us for a game is normaly $60(correct me if im wrong) and its been taken down 1/3 than the aussie one will too mybe not by much but still enough to start saving.
  3. It currently is on the eb games, jbhifi and game website but isnt featured on the homepage you have to search it using the search bar, although the developers have stated that it is only $40 it says its $108 so i would wait until they sort their stuff out
  4. I think this would be a great addition to your games(halo 4 and CEA) instead of getting credits and doing those damm challenges for armour players should find armour by finding terminals eg if you find the first terminal you get the complete odst armour set keep finding others and you can start to create all types of combos and it also encourages gamers that never play campaign (12 year olds) to play campaign If you disagree then leave a post explaining why and i hope you take this into consideration :mrgreen:
  5. With ghost when you die you could fly away also effects are cool, there cool when bungie hand them out and there cool when you saved your money to get them. What isnt cool is credits to earn armour find terminals
  6. 'Stickies wont be in it
  7. I think armour effects were a great addition to halo reach, what other game can you die in and blow into confetti(except viva pi?ata) Anyways could you guys think of more cool effects that you can earn, preorder and receive like the blue flames on reach PS if you have any ideas post them!!!
  8. Yeah i think that the credit system was a terrible idea they should have lots of different armours that you get if you find a terminal or something
  9. do you guys know when they are gonna start pre-orders and what is included with it?
  10. I dont think there will be considering it is only $40
  12. I think the CEA should have an armoury something like halo reaches one that would be cool
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