i use ExplosiveLamp for everything nowadays, on the Xbox, on Steam, etc. i got the name because when i first got my Xbox, i was in a hurry to play Halo: Reach with some buddies (yes, Reach.), and i couldnt come up with a decent name. i threw around FlAmInWaFfLeZ and other waffle related tags, but decided against it. i asked my sister to help me, and she came up with the randomest thing she could think of: a lamp stuffed full of C-4. that wouldnt fit in the box, so i just put ExplosiveLamp. during my newb days as an online gamer, i would be stuck by sticky grenades all the time. as soon as i could realise when i had been stuck, i quickly came up with the (lame) catch phrase "Don't light the ExplosiveLamp!