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John Dailey

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Grunt (1/19)



  1. if you like this map or hate it leave your comment im always open to input
  2. gamertag: KIAxDARKELEMENT map name : Spark of Unicron http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/games/halo4/filebrowser/details/5265fb9b-f6a5-44c9-ad28-ad22cf09445f Gametype : 16 player 8 teams of 2 swat (just swat with more people and more teams no dowload requiered) also suports big team infinity slayer, team snipers, KOTH, Flood,CTF Discription:{holds16 players}inspired by transformers this is a 4 way symetrical large map with lots of wide open space but at the same time there are lots of sight blockers in the center of this map is a large monolith that crutial to gameplay but isnt completely defendable so gameplay is fun and not onesided it makes a great map for clan battles and i used all 10000 credits to make it took a toatal of 22 hrs to make because i was trying to spend every last cred without messing up symetry
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