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Everything posted by Dchsknight

  1. Mine eyes bleedth the blood of grammatical murder and slaughter!
  2. This should probably go to the actual 343 website's technical support. This is a fan ran site.
  3. I just want say something about your sig... "What did i say about imaginary animals... " "What like a Puma?" "how bout that... Chubbathingy"
  4. I am still confused. My comments were not directed at you but the OP.
  5. no I did not... I thought they would be able to get her back to Helsey to fix her.
  6. DAMN IT, I should not have read this post. I am not done with the story yet! There should be a a "No spoilers" tag on here!
  7. Response in Italic red. Italic red in response.
  8. This is a repost from another thread. Try not to spam you Opinions across the boards just because someone points out how you are drastically wrong.
  9. I am quite sure what you mean. I agree with what you have been saying but not the OP.
  10. I think everyone has to remember that some people are selfish and self entitled and want everything their way. If they don't get it they will cry, moan, and stamp their feet like 5 year olds, even though they are adults. This is the internet and a place where total anonymity is present. People can say what ever they want and it hard for them to be held liable. It might be best for the community to have a "how to spot a troll" thread and instead of arguing with them and feeding it, simply ignore them. All the OP wants is attention, because obviously IRL they are not getting it. For what ever reason they have to come on to FAN ran site where almost EVERYONE is a FAN of this game and ***** about what they think is wrong with a video game. They are not pouring worth while contributions into society, like how to deal with the Sandy Hook incident, how our country is running into dept fast, or trying to figure out how to help people. They are just complainers. They complain and is all they are ever good for. To complain. They are disrespectful and rude. They act self important and all knowledgeable, but in reality most of the complainers are just a drain on society. They are not like rest of us who have full time jobs and families. They do not play games to simply relax or enjoy some leisure time. They just complain and suck the life out of this world, enjoyment of this world, and enjoyment of our fellow man and humanity with out giving anything back. So just ignore them. This is one of those problems that if you ignore it, it will go away.
  11. I think also that people need to patient. The game came out a little over a month ago. I see a lot of posts about what is next, what is next, what is next... Many games do not have content or an add-on for MONTHS, maybe almost a year. I think people need to calm down and dial it back and enjoy the game and wait. If they can't and then leave because they can't wait, those kinds of people, IMO, should not be here anyway. It helps weed out the childish and Immature. Some people are just getting the game too. I just got it on monday.
  12. Punctuation man! Punctuation! What does Mlg mean?
  13. I just got the game Monday. I feel quite the opposite about this game.
  14. Just got this game on monday! Man it is awesome. I started really liking halo after reach. Went back played the others. I greatly enjoy what 343 has done. The graphics are wonderful! I so far enjoy the war games, despite getting rocked quite often! Gt- dchsknight
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