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  1. yeah but can anyone answer this one?? i did indeed install from 2nd disc successfully and when i went to put back in disc one, it came up unreadable. When i first got the game, i put in disc 1 first (it loaded up) and immediately tried to play multiplayer but it said to put in disc two and press a, but it kept sending me to dashboard when i hit the eject button. So I uninstalled everything on my 16gb flash drive that i had been using for my (no harddrive haing ) 360. eventually i had gotten the game to work last night but thismorning it wouldnt read disc 1. i inserted disc 2 again to reinstall but it said i already had it and inserted disc 1 again and spammed the heck out out the start and A buttons like i did to get it to work the last time but i got different errors this time....it used the word " unreconized". After hours of trying i realized that halo 4 doesnt even show up in my games list but it says its there when i check out whats on the storage unit (16gb usb thumb drive). so i installed waypoint to try and start the game from there with disc 1 in and it would try to load then i see it say that i have been disconnected from xbox live and then it reconnected me automatically and has been doing it like this since. Im not sure why the game wont show up on my games list but i bet that is part of the reason why i cant play. waypoint shows up and the only other game i have/play is trials revolution and that is listed. i used to play Gears3 with the same setup with no prob. Anyone have a solution. besides what i wrote, i also tried deleting the cache or whatever and restarting the xbox and reinserting the disc, and tried other games but disc 1 still would rarely load for me. ATM i am out of state and left my receipt home so i have to wait til friday to try another halo. So installation isnt as easy because i found out many many many people is having a problem a lil like mine can anyone help so i canget back to my spartan training....
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