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BaMn Sykotic

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Everything posted by BaMn Sykotic

  1. Hello, names Syko and i have several problems that need to be changed. 1. DMR is way overpowered and needs to be re-balanced kills in five shots regardless if its all head shots or not and thats just ridiculous 2. BR needs to be re-balanced as well its way to weak for being a 3-round burst weapon 3. There should be no EXP cap of any kind the reason is cause i could play for 4 hours and get capped and will have to wait 8 hours to play again for EXP 4. When choosing host it should always choose the one with the best connection. And when the host isn't compatible to the game make it choose a host faster rather than everyone lagging for 5 mins than choosing a host its a pain. 5. The Killcam seemed like a good idea but i dont think it should be there the reason is after watching when you spawn and go to that area the person is long gone and is just a waste of time 6.Kills should count as EXP like Reach cause my friends and I have played games where one of us would get 500 points yet only get about 400 EXP for it not including the rest of EXP gains 7.The Autosentry, its basically a decoration in-game its very weak has no tactical value and needs to be amped up and at least stay with the player who used the ability 8.Finally, dispawning weapons after you die i hate how i die run back over to my body and all my stuff is just gone and i know none of my teammates or enemies were over there. Thank you for reading what issues I've noticed playing this wonderful game and i hope that some of these problems may be fixed. Sincerely, BaMn Sykotic
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