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Everything posted by Oni

  1. Good sir! Why I thank you for praising my efforts. I should inform the that I shant not troll somebody directly.
  2. You should try being a bit less serious some time. It's a trait people like in moderation.
  3. Oni

    Tips for improve

    Camp, Camp, Camp, and when you're done camping you go home to enjoy life as the guy sitting on the couch eating potato chips while the bears are dead, Remember only you can prevent fires. Not bears.
  4. I was able to master the comendation by just using vechicles. Don't boost because they really will catch you. Just don't expect to win most games you get perfections. My team suffers because I played too mlg.
  5. To me playing smart means to play the game like it's ment to be played, a game. Anyone that wants to be MLG most of the time have a poor mentality, and because of this they are not actualy smart. If you want to get better by playing smart then realise that smart person should never play fair. You want a advantage over the other player, you don't want them to have one.
  6. I want somebody to forge me a sandwich. The best forge-art of a sandwich will get 400MS points.
  7. This weapon is too over-powered, and is a blight apon our holy game. Unite, and bring down this plauge of green burst. Now that I think about it, I think that pulse grenades need a massive nerf also.
  8. Thanks. That's right. The br is a medium range weapon. It's not going to go red at a long range. Yes you do have to aim a weapon at a player for you to hit them. I'm glad we have this aspect of game mechanics down, and understood. DMR has the logest range aim assist in the game.
  9. No. I have not spent the time of my day to look at a video when I see this in game every day. If the reticule is red, bloom does not matter. Very simple.
  10. Well it's a single shot weapon.. You don't have s p r e a d with a single shot.
  11. Can't see the video. No such thing as accuracy at a certian range because of aim assist. Once the curser is red for both the dmr/br the shot(s) connect.
  12. I don't Think I insaulted you. There is no attempt to dodge a fact, and santa is not real. Let me give you a few facts. Did you know that over 90% of computer related issues are user related? When I see this issue about a "imba" I see that there is no 'hardware' issue. It's user related. Weapns have speciffic roles to play in every aspect of the game. D.M.R. - Long range Battle Rifle - Medium Range Assault Rifle - Short Range There is no skill factor that grants a 'plus 1' because it's all based on ever changing varibles in the game. You don't attepmt to contend with a D.M.R. at long range with a Assault Rifle. We are talking about facts right? Not opinions. COD is a game where you weapons have different values such as reload time, power, range, and accuracy. Ofcourse if he is using a weapon that has more power, and you're hiting at the same time he is going to kill you first. You counter this with either more power or give your self a higher rate of fire. This a a simple factor of DPS. if you don't know what dps is it stands for Dammage per second.
  13. The End. The movie starts at the credits, and then ends.
  14. Disclaimer: I'm not picking sides in this. True everyone would like to use a OP weapon. This becomes a mess however, and even in real life people put restrictions on weapons of war. Any intelligent person could use a rocket laucher to kill a guy standing ten feet away, but even a 'not so bright' one can realise if he pulls the trigger that things go "boom." If you want to make a claim that you're smart because you can use a easy weapon so be it. Show some people you really are smart by beating them at there own game. As for the OP, you are a hard-headed. Your type dissipoint me because I see them too often. The type of person that just can't play the game because they are not very good at it, and expect the game to change for them to suit there needs. Pathetic..
  15. Name your clan "Raxvoid."
  16. when you feel as if you have a good squad, feel free to send me a message on xBox live for a clan battle.
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