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Everything posted by xXRamboNoobXx

  1. I have notived a lot of stuff copied from Call of Duty in Halo 4, ya it's cool, but by doing this it has ruined the game. Custom games is all about objective based games, were there is no fun, We have lost Race, Juggernaut, and lots of other stuff. Looking at flood, thats just a poor replacement to Infection, We can't customize the zombies, to were they have guns. If only Halo 4's custom games were to have most of the elements of Halo 3's, I think the game would be a lot better. Sooo many other Big Game Corporations have copied COD like crazy, and I would hate to see halo turn into another COD ripoff, I would like to see Halo's Originality back. Otherwise If I wanted to play a COD like game, I would just play COD. So Please 343 Make Halo 4 better and fix these problems.
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