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Everything posted by FleshBack

  1. FleshBack

    RE: The SAW

    That is how I feel about the SAW. As long as we were getting a power weapon with close range rapid fire, I would have rather have them put in two similarly performing SMGs.
  2. I like your logic. I played NinjaBigBunny and L NinjaSilent L on Regicide with my friend last week. While they are hardly pros, they are quite prolific on YouTube. Funny, my friend said he got assassinated like, 10 times during the. I won the game, but I couldn't help but wonder if t was because they were just going around assassinating.
  3. Just wait it out. You picked the wrong day to buy Halo 4.
  4. In the meantime the Slayer Pro playlist is awesome. Wish it was in rotation full time. Team Throwdown has too much objective.
  5. ^^^ Lol, I always go for FOTUS users. They just stick out so much with their big, goofy horns. Like the one guy said, the only appeal to the armor is exclusivity. If it became widely available it would lose all appeal like Recon in Halo 3.
  6. I am pretty sure Ninja plays on a 4. I heard T2 has been doing 4 as well, and Pistola uses a 5... I think.
  7. 99% of the time when I am on this site, I use the mobile version, sothe SB might as wel not even exist. On the rare occasion that I do go on the actual site on a laptop, it is always an A and B conversation between 2 or 3 people about personal crap I could care less to get involved in or interject my two cents in. Just sayin', but it has been a minute since I have been on the SB, so Ibwill give it another try.
  8. Good news, OP. They are removing friendly fire!
  9. People make it their missions to troll their teammates in vehicles. You should check out all the trolling montages on YouTube, and it is applauded.
  10. I would have rather them give you two ultra powerful SMGs that perform similarly to the SAW than getting that machine gun. It would have been more faithful to the series.
  11. I have to say I am not surprised that all that is being fixed are bugs and exploits, bar a few things like the BS nerf and the Friendly Fire being disabled. Are the killcams going to be fixed? Why even have them if they are going to be broken? Will splitscreen be playable on forge and large maps without huge framerate drops? This is a poor excuse for a TU, an I bet you everyone at 343 is popping champaign corks and patting themselves over the back about this. What a joke.
  12. The people in the DLC playlist probably made up between 1,000-2,000, with only 500-800 being on at a time when it is "primetime" for Halo playing. Crimson Map Pack playlist was always a rather stale population. I am sure the numbers are that low.
  13. Lol, pretty soon everybody that plays Halo will reach SR130 naturally and everyone will be on an equal playing field. Same armor. Same emblems. Same perks. Ah, then we will have perfect equilibrium... Aside from the few people that just pick up Halo 4 out of the blue and just start playing. Then they will be like, "Woah, everybody in matchmaking is 130. I must be a loser or something."
  14. l can help you out with this as I play this mode quite frequently (I hate Big Team) Now, the first thing is first. Are you playing with randoms or with a team? It makes a very big difference on Infinity Slayer because the teams and maps are smaller and the individual has a bigger effect. A team of randoms will, 9 out of 10 times, lose to a party because communication and coordination are very essential to success in this playlist. So basically, you need to understand first of all, that your success in this playlist will ultimately be determined by whether you chose to play alone or with an actual team. If you do play with a team, then your success depends on how well you coordinate, communicate, navigate maps, time power weapon spawns, and hold power positions and utilize cover. Those aspects will separate you from other organized teams and will usually destroy anyone that isn't. If you are going to be playing Infinity Slayer by yourself, then what you will want to do is focus on your individual skill. These are my tips: - Figure out your playstyle and use that to define your role among your team. Tailor you loadouts to support this role. If you like to stay back and support your teammates from a distance, recognize this and use weapons and perks that will help you achieve this. If you like to "run 'n gun" and try to find the best routes to flank and cath your opponents off guard, then run perks like mobility that will allow you to fulfill this role. A big part of team play is recognizing what kind of playe you are and fitting in your role. - Get good with the Battle Rifle/DMR. Believe it or not, you will run into many situations in Infinity Slayer where you will be confronted by a single opponent without any teammates. For example, if you die and spawn on the other side of Adrift away from your teammates. For these purposes, being able to out-BR/DMR your opponents is crucial for winning those individual battles and you will find sometimes that victory can hinge on the 2-3 points these individual battles brings. If you feel your DMR/BR skills are not up to par, I would suggest carrying ressuply and explosives to soften enemies up and make the kill easier. - Don't be a hero. Being Rambo will more than likely land you In a mess where you find 2-3 red blips on the radar and they are closing in on you fast. It is very tempting, especially on a team of randoms to just "do you own thing". However, it is essential that you resist this intuitive thinking and try to maintain a tactical position within your squad, so to speak. Don't be up their *** to the point where you are getting in their way or putting your team at risk to being triple/overkilled by some dude with a rocket/shotgun/sword. However, on the same token don't be so far away where you cannot cover them when they need backup. - Promethean Vision is your best friend. On smaller maps like Adrift, Haven, Abandoned, and even some sections of Complex, knowing if your enemy is behind the corner crouching with a BoltShot/power weapon can be life saving. Those are some of the tips I can provide based off my experience and from what I have been taught by others. I hope you find it helpful in any way. Like I said, true success in this mode verges on whether you are playing with an organized team or not. However, if you follow my tips you can maintain at least a 50% win rate in this mode.
  15. You don't know what you are missing. I have mowed down people with a boosted Saw, and literally watched their teammates just b-line in the other direction like scooby doo and shaggy when the monster cones out! They didn't even try to take me on. I was laughing quite a but when it happened. You gotta pretty much save the boost for when somebody drops an actual power weapon, or wait for it to spawn on Abandon.
  16. Well, 5 works for how I like to play: Midrange BR/DMR engagements on Infinity Slayer/Regicide maps. Anything higher and I run the risk of suffering from "jerky" movements and compromising the 5 shotting I have only recently attained. I will try bumping it up eventually, but that will take some time. On a speed like 10, you should be a pro doing the whole, jumping over people's heads and doing the quick midair turnaround that gets you the assassination.
  17. So after being on 4 for a couple of weeks, I finally decided to be a big boy and step it up to 5. I have been on 5 a couple of times before but it has never worked out. Now, it is like I am in love or something. I have won 9 out of my last 10 Regicide games and I feel pretty good about it. My aim is so much more fluid and lethal, it is just awesome! It has really helped me step up my BR/DMR game to the next level. What sensitivity do you guys work with?
  18. There are people out there that live to troll. You might see yourself on YouTube, which would be funny.
  19. I think you should work on improving your "game" before you step back into the playlist if it is such an issue. How are people more skilled than you? Are they more coordinated? Chances are they may have mics and are communicating. Are they beating you at 1v1s? Then you need to practice your BRing skills.
  20. Are there even confirmed promethean vehicles in the great, expansive, and well-established lore of the Halo series? Never heard of 'em.
  21. Yeah, I hate moving out of the way of bullets myself. I always stand around and let them hit me. Nice video, but I was wondering when you were actually going to discuss strafing and it never happened. I do really like discussing strafe and I have been trying very hard to improve my strafe without compromising my shot. It is a difficult line to walk and sometimes in 1v1s, it'll help you out. Other times you come across a player who has wicked strafe AND shot and he makes you feel like a chump. Either way, I am always interested in improving my strafe and any more vids you make on the subject would be appreciated as I feel it is an important aspect of playing competitivey.
  22. I played a game of Regicide and this Kid was talking to me because he thought I was hilarious. All of the sudden his mom starts yelling at him about something and I can hear it over the mic. I tell him, "Hey Man, tell Mrs. JoJo (the player's GT was FlyboyJoJo) I said hi!". He says, "hey mom, my friend on XBL says hi". All of the sudden I can hear her chuckling on the other end of the mic and I was like, "See, not everyone on XBL is a d*****bag!" and he started laughing. I played a
  23. If I get a Damage Boost, I will either try to scavenge a Saw somewhere or use my BR. Both provide abundant opportunities for dominating te enemy.
  24. I was in the best lobby in Infinity Slayer last night. The whole opposing team was partied up, which led me to believe me and my team if rag-tag randoms were doomed. It couldn't have been further from the truth. EVERYONE on the opposing team had Assault Rifles and Surpressors bar one flunkie with a BR and they kept rushing us like morons. It was literally like shooting fish in a barrel, I got a Killing Frenzy not even a minute into the match ( we played on Haven), and my final score was 31-6. We figured they would leave after a blowout like that, but they stayed! I got like, 8 free wins off these clowns and I only dropped below a +20 twice. It was like magic but I knew it wouldn't last forever. Literally a 1-10,000 lobby.
  25. Needlers will probably never be Dual-Wieldable again after Halo 2, Who needs to wield two energy swords? And good luck finding two separate Concussion Rifles and Sricky detonators to dual wield in the first place. And TBH, it sounds more impractical than anything. Plus if you die, your enemy is getting two power weapons. Who wants to deal with that? Surpressor sounds reasonable, but it would probably kill the little range and accuracy it has at the expense of more power. I would reckon any halfway decent assault rifle user should be able to easily dispatch someone with a combo like that, let alone the hordes of DMR/Battle Rifle users. Sorry man, not trying to poke holes in your idea cuz I always liked Dual wielding myself, but it just doesn't fit into the Metagame we have developed.
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