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Everything posted by FleshBack

  1. I never felt good about anything I boosted for in any game. I wouldn't enjoy any achievements, commendations, or armor if I got them by boosting. For that reason the temptation escapes me.
  2. Good thing that awesome competitive playlist is coming out soon. Can't wait.
  3. Thanks you. Highly appreciated. What would be a good map for this?
  4. What is your GT, cuz I am highly interested in downloading it.
  5. They are probably using explosives or you are being hit by more than one.
  6. There should be a Mantis battle mode. They could pick up weapons and use Jetpacks. It would be like Gundam meets Halo.
  7. Playing smart isn't a catch all response to basic design flaws in this game. And yes, I consider The instant respawn+shield charge delay combo to be a flaw. How can you feel good about the "free kill" you get after you leave someone 1shot and come back and kill them after they obviously outplayed you? If you are 1v1-ing somebody and they are legitimately better than you, every time you encounter them they should own you. A score from a game like that would probably be 25-4, or somewhere around that neighborhood depending on the skill gap between players. With the shield delay and instant spawn, that game could go like 25-22, creating a false representation of the skill in that game. It gives the lesser player the illusion that the game was really close, when in fact it wasn't close at all. He just got kills because of a bad game design.
  8. The dude mentioned playlists though, which infers matchmaking. Besides, we're in the matchmaking forum so it is implied by default.
  9. Matchmaking is the name of the game, not customs. Customs take time to set-up and don't offer the variety of skill and playstyles you can find in Matchmaking.
  10. How big was the Slayer Pro population before the playlist got the axe? I bet it will be bigger when it comes back... Maybe.
  11. I'm SR119. I among others obviously have our complaints, but that doesn't stop us from playing it. I mean it's Halo, after all. And look at the alternatives... CoD, Minecraft, FIFA. Not for me.
  12. I just played Exile on BTB and watched someone on my team get 1000 points, 62 kills, no deaths with the Gauss Hog. I sent him a message after the game that was like, "Glad I was on your team." I watched how he did it in the theater. He had a really good driver.
  13. I agree with you, they should have accounted for this when they decided to speed up the game. Or maybe they did and it was intentional. Either way, there is really nothing we can do but resort to cowardly hit-and-run tactics to keep our streaks going. It is sad to say, but as Bloody has mentioned 100 times, the game wants you to get a kill and then die. And what is worse is when you die and you respawn and your allies are clear across the map and you see 3 red dots converging on you. Being in that situation BITES. Between the spawning, the mobility, and the shield delay, this game moves almost (I said almost) as fast as CoD. The only buffer we really have are the shields in the first place. That isn't the way I like to play but I guess you have to if you want to like, play Halo with everyone else.
  14. Also, I will say this. Your ability to get Perfections depends less on your loadouts and more on your ability to stay alive. You need to be very stealthy and hit opponents before they see you and finish them before too many of their friends come. It is actually more ducking and dodging than actual combat. For that reason I would suggest any perks and armor abilities that allow you to be undetected on the battlefield or to flee when you are under fire. I would say Mobilty is a must for any would-be perfectionist on BTB. That is my advice. I just went 20-0 on Haven Infinity Slayer. Not because I played like a boss, but because I played like a coward and used hit and run tactics. BTW, I still lost the game. I imagine the same principle applies on larger maps.
  15. Haven, most aestetically pleasing. Very easy on the eyes. my favorite used to be Adrift but I have been getting annoyed by people hiding around corners with the BoltShot, Scattershot, Energy Sword, Shotgun, etc... It becomes very monotone.
  16. Haha, I can't believe people are treating the grenades like they're the BoltShot. Since when has grenade use been considered "noobish"? And I know no one used the term, but it is being implied like people can't kill without them. "Woh, if they can't kill me in a one-on-one fight with a precision weapon, that guy MUST suck. They have to foil me with grenades everytime."
  17. Halo is the only reason I would ever buy a XBox of any kind. I know I don't represent everyone but I think it is a common viewpoint. I am not so much of a Microsoft fanboy as I am a Halo fanboy, and the second they stop making it Xbox exclusive is the second I jump ship to Playstation. Xbox doesn't have too many exclusive titles that keep me interested like Halo, while PS3 has Infamous, God of War, Killzone, etc... And I prefer not to have to pay to play online.
  18. Yeah, I mean I have played better Halos, but 4 isn't unplayable by any stretch of the imagination. I don't even really play video games too much, but when I do it is Halo 4. [/Dos Equis Commercial]
  19. If what Bloody said is correct, then I would go back and view more SWAT games in your theater to see if radar is still there.
  20. I'll reiterate what's been said. Leave my stormtrooper helmet alone! Also, this game could use a Clone Trooper/Jango-Boba Fett Helmet. THAT would be my helmet, as I imagine I could walk around looking like a Republic Commando.
  21. Energy Sword because it reminds me of the coolest weapon of all time: The lightsaber!
  22. Bumper Jumper 4. I was doing 3 for a while but I found that I don't take on too many targets at longer ranges so I thought the quicker turn around speed might be beneficial. I'll add you but I might or might not be able to play tonight. My cousin is on the 360 with his friends on CoDBO2. Do you use a mic?
  23. Lol. I always chalked that up to character archetype. You gotta have the Hard-*** Seargeant that smokes like a chimney and rides his men into the dirt. Man, I actually forgot how he got killed off. Shame on me.
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