As long as there are overzealous, trigger-happy, point 'n spray, AR/Surpressor bumrushers online, I will always carry a BoltShot to punish these people.
I don't camp around the corner with it all sneaky like with camo, nor do I run around using ONLY the BS. I use it as a defensive pivot against people of this playstyle I just described. I'm not saying my way is more legitimate than others, I am just saying my reasons for using it are probably totally different.
If you are going to spray and chase down everything that moves in a game where you KNOW people pack mini-shotguns on the regular, then I am sorry but you totally deserve to be BoltShotted in the face.
For every other situation I use the BR and the DMR on larger maps. If someone comes around the corner to kill me, odds are they won't get a BoltShot. I would just Nade and one shot them in the head.