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Everything posted by FleshBack

  1. Just picked this game back up, so: Most people still don't use mics. You can talk smack and troll in FFA Trolling is no fun ever since they disabled vehicle friendly fire on Big Team.
  2. Doesn't sound like Slayer Pro to me. When I play Pitfall Slayer Pro there is no radar.
  3. I play this game splitscreen with my friends (I know, unheard of, right?). If I can't get into a game without a Forge Map where the frame rate drops, we just may as well not play. Second, I hate Waypoint. I hate the layout, the interface, and just about everything about the site and avoid it like the plague. So I will take my info second hand from people that can tolerate it without the condescending remarks.
  4. After taking a nice, long break from this game. I need like what, 25 more wins in Regicide? Anyway, I come back and find that the playlist is gone. What's up with that? Furthermore, it is in the sparsely populated Rumble Pit Playlist, and nobody ever votes for it. So, I guess that means I will never master this gametype or something? Any word on if it is coming back? Any word on what 343 is doing with these playlists, cuz I can't make heads or tails of it. I stopped playing when they brought in the "Generating Lag" Forge Maps, so I am clueless here.
  5. I agree with the sentiment, they shouldn't be fusing playlists together into one mix 'n mash. However, I care nothing for Big Team Slayer, so this doesn't really bug me. Sorta glad actually because us Infinity Slayer players have been getting Crapped on for a while.
  6. I hate to be "that guy", but it sounds like you guys are all complaining about being had. I have played a lot of games, and I have never come across anyone cheating, exploiting, or hacking this game except one time I fought a headless Spartan. That was a long time ago however. If I got killed by someone, it was because they legitamately outplayed me. I probably missed a BR shot here, or my shotgun pellets didn't all connect there. It happens more than we like to admit. The whole community isn't modding.
  7. It is there because people cried and cried back when it used to be on Infinity Slayer. Infinity Slayer was way better back then. Used to be all about Haven and Adrift with the occasional Solace and Complex. Now it is just lagtacular forge fest.
  8. No joke. And the area should consist of 7 small box shaped rooms. The first four of which are inhabited by two players each. The winner of those rooms moves on to the next one with the other winners, as the continue to slay and eliminate each other until the best Slayer is left standing. Slayer...
  9. 4. I play on smaller maps on Regicide, Rumble Pit, and Infinity Slayer so I don't need the lower sensitivity for longer ranges. Also, I take a staunch stance against anything higher than 4 simply because it is the optimal sensitivity for my BR duels.
  10. Woah, watch out we got an Internet tough guy on our hands.
  11. They had a pro playlist, but it didn't do well. LOL @ BTB being "consistent". You must come to the boards to tell jokes more often.
  12. They had one at the beginning. It didn't do well.
  13. It doesn't annoy me as much as people that post videos for responses.
  14. Did anybody watch 343's live stream if pro's testing out the new settings? BR pretty much wrecks. Ninja and Gho57ayame were schooling everyone with it. They were also giving honorable mentions to the Lighteifle which actually is threatening now at longer ranges due to the increased rate if fire and 4sk scope function. 4sk battle rifle stole the show though, and you can barely notice the decreased RoF.
  15. Nah, man. Halo is past its prime. AGL will be AGL. And MLG does just fine with games like League of Legends and even BLOPS.
  16. Teabagging. I try to teabag whoever is unlucky enough to be final kill.
  17. I tend to agree with the above sentiment. This game gets boring. I have never dropped a Halo game faster than this one.
  18. "They should nerf Armageddon. Totally overpowered. Every time I chase someone behind a corner, BAM. Apocalypse."
  19. FleshBack


    You ever play Lightning Flag, OP?
  20. Wait until you get caught mid-sprint. That'll really make you never wanna press A (for bumper jumpers) again. I don't know if I wanna get to a certain part of the map faster at the risk of getting 4sk before I can turn around and split like Shaggy and Scooby.
  21. DMR was overpowered. Anyone who doesn't think so isn't playing with a full set of jacks. And they are slowing down the RoF on the BR to compensate for the Damage Boost.
  22. If best means whatever answer defends your perspective or perpetuates your ideas the most so everyone has to see it every page in the topic like propaganda, then yes, I suppose it is acceptable.
  23. Full clip + melee doesn't count. Either way, I wasn't sure what it was. I am pretty sure the AR was underperforming for them to want to buff it.
  24. I have been playing a lot of Lone Wolves lately trying to see how high I can get. I am a 40 now and I would like to get a bit further. Problem is getting from 35-40 was a HUUUGE pain in the a**. I was getting lucky to place 3rd in a lot of games, so I know I am probably not 50 material. Either way, I would at least like to see if I can make it up there. Like, most of the maps that come up for me are Epitaph, Construct, The Pit, High Ground, and Snowbound. I hate Snowbound as everyone always rushes the underground tunnel and you are forced to fight there for you kills. Really bugs me. So I guess I am just looking for general tips to get me from 3rd or 4th place to at least a solid 2nd. I win a game every now and then, but not as often as I like. I have a feeling it is my tactics that are keeping me from the higher places. Your thoughts?
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