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Arctic Vortex

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Everything posted by Arctic Vortex

  1. It was fun... BTW everyone who played Halo V4, did you like it? I thought so. Of course, I was sniper, and that was fun.
  2. 1.Master Chief with Assault Rifle (any)-2. Raining in background-3.Defualt-4. Lime Green and Cone orange swirls-5. Lime Green, and Cone Orange-6. Part 2: 9. Raining--10. Arctic Vortex--11. Make it Arctic Camo'd with black and white.--13. Chief left, font to the bottom right.
  3. Nooooo! Don't leave. In the short time I've known you, you've been really nice and funny.
  4. Well ummm.... Do you have a 2.0 k/d or higher, if you don't you probably can't join MLG. Not trying to hate, just sayin'.
  5. Hey man, I look forward to seeing you around. If you look below my post, you'll see a signature ( sig ). Ask Brony or Insignia to make you one.
  6. Congrats, nice job, I think you well deserved it.
  7. Oh, hello! Nice to meet you, and make sure to not spam smilies... some people get pretty mad.
  8. I picked SoS, but are you actually starting a clan?
  9. Yeah, its surprising the first half was harder than the second half. Maybe its because you get used to the Legendary difficulty.
  10. Ok guys and gals, I have recently gotten interested in YouTube. I ask you what programs and Capture Cards I should use. Basically I just want to showcase gameplay and put on digital images.
  11. This topic is simple. Post whether or not you have gotten the Lone Wolf Legend achievement. I have.
  12. Psshha... I'm not trying this for the low amount of XP
  13. Yeah, It's probably the Xbox itself. But you have to remember, the Xbox 360 alone, has been out for 7 years. The hardware is getting old.
  14. To bad, I really didn't get to much time to get to know you, but with the time I did get, you seemed very nice.
  15. Arctic Vortex


    Yeah, AD is right. I didn't redeem mine cause I had Limited and then I redeemed it because LIVE kept sending it.
  16. I'll join my old clan were being Jack A's [excuse my language] Edit: Is there an age restriction?
  17. The computer File Share isn't working [to my knowledge]. Sometimes the Xbox 360 File Share doesn't work. 343 said on Waypoint that it would come out with the big January update.
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