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  1. Wouldnt be awesome to have some kind of rpg progression system in halo 5 like being able to gain xp from dead covis or prometheans and using that to leveling up master chief through skill mods, like being able to jump higher, taking less damage from grenades, dual weilding, ext. Or would it be to similar to something like crysis. Let me know what you people think!
  2. First of all.... WHY THE HELL ISNT ANYBODY WANTING FIREFIGHT BACK.....sorry had to get that out. Me personally i really wont 343 to bring back firefight mode in Halo 5. I think the reason why it wasnt in Halo 4 was the fact that 343 needs time to figure out how to revamp it. ODST's firefight was really good, but Reach's firefight was just out of this world. How fire firefight could work in Halo 5....well first of all they could add the prometheans to it, and add the ablitiy to use ordinance drops,and custom loadouts like in multiplayer, and keep firefight completely customizable like in Reach,but not reuse maps from the campaign. And who knows what else 343 has up their sleeve for firefight!
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