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  1. I would love to see a return of the elephant, or something like it. But I dont just want to be an escort like in halo 4 campaign, i want to have it in Matchmaking and be able to have a playlist like bigteam or dominion, but you must drive your elephant across a large map whilst capturing bases. The basic idea is to capture and hold bases while intercepting the enemy elephant. Spawn points will only be on the elephant, and one team cannot be on the other team's elephant for more than 10 seconds, or they will die and respawn again on their elephant. You can soot and kill people on the other elephants, but just can't take them over. Once an elephant settles near a base, and your team is inside, trying to take it over, the spawn points will now be in that base for your team until the majority of members get back on the elephant. The elephants will each spawn with one warthog, two mongooses, and turrets inside. Elephants will be indestructible.
  2. The OP didn't say that it was hard, or the even he survived by skill. He was just posting a video of him getting a perfect game. Keep in mind that this was posted on the first day, so not many players would be good, or highly ranked. The fact that no one EMPed the tank was mainly due to only very few people unlocking the plasma pistol in ONE DAY of playing. I agree that this wasn't a necessarily amazing feat, but won a game with 30-0 ON THE FIRST DAY. Cut him some slack.
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