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StiLL FraMe

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Everything posted by StiLL FraMe

  1. Halo 4 is a great game that will lose it's steam if it's matchmaking isn't revamped. What NEEDS to happen: Classic playlists that should be permanent such as: Slayer Pro, FFA, King of the hill, Team snipers, CTF, Oddball. A weekly Forge map to keep people entertained. There arn't very many maps & waiting for every DLC is mind numbing. An MLG playlist or some type of clan battle playlist would be great. A better ranking system. Player ranks can't be lost.... The feeling of "I HAVE TO WIN" is gone because there's no threat or excitement. Giving some players the thought of why am i even playing this game? With matchmaking's limited amount of playlists, maps, incentitives to win and skill based ranks. Multiplayer feels repetitive and dull. This is unfortunate because H4 is a smooth Fps with lots of potental. - StiLL FraMe
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