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St TriggerHappy

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    St TriggerHappy

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  1. Completely agree with this point, ordinance was a good idea, but in practice, far too many people get them at once which can at times make for a very unpleasant game. (It doesnt help that, once a team start winning, they get ordinance more than the losing team. Resulting in the winning team being able to win more easily in general). While it's fair to say that many newer players may enjoy the ordinances because it allows them to compete against higher skilled players, I think that the current matchmaking system forces players to play games with ordinance in rather than letting them choose a simple slayer/ big team without ordinance. (Personally I find nothing more annoying that getting in a vehicle only to find that I'm heading straight for a rocket launcher, spartan laser, railgun and binary rifle all laying into me. It just defeats the point of vehicles). I'm not saying ordinance should be removed completely, not by a long shot, but I do think that it needs toning down a little. Either that, or just add an extra game type or two allowing people the choice to play a gametype without the ordinance, as I usually find, with regards to vehicles, a plasma pistol and a sticky grenade does the trick without the need for excessive fire power. I feel that this really lets the multiplayer down in some respects as it prevents more skilled players from enjoying a simpler form of slayer where power weapons are perhaps not in such an abundance as they are in other game types. That being said, 343 Industries did a great job in other regards; the graphics are unparalleled for halo, weapons have been reasonably balanced and overall and the multiplayer is still as fun to play as ever. I also think they did a great job with the campaign and Spartan ops. Overall, I feel that while Halo 4 is a great game, the multiplayer could use a little tweaking to allow more freedom to the player that wants a break from all the ordinance. So if I'm lucky and somebody from 343 sees this post, please just consider the points above on tweaking the matchmaking / adding "old-school" options for matchmaking as there seems to be a desperate need for it.
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