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  • Interests
    Nerd Hobbies: Halo, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Star Wars, LOTR.
    Atheletics: Canyoneering, Mountainbiking,Mountaineering, Basketball, Football.

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TheOddEnigma's Achievements


Grunt (1/19)



  1. I'm interested. I've always wanted to participate in a Machinma of some type. I'll message you so look for my gt: UnraveledEnigma.
  2. I have this exact same problem, though I believe that it is due more to the fact that the connection that you are using is not functioning correctly. I've tried rebooting my router and also my modem but I'm still stuck with what I call "button lag". It does not happen unless I am in a mission with my friend, I've played Spartan Ops with others but anytime he is in my party I get "button lag". Try playing with someone else or promote someone in your party to host If you find a solution to this, please PM and let me know, or send me a message on XBL Gamertag: UnraveledEnigma.
  3. Let's get right to the point, shall we? This is a desperate cry out for attention in an attempt to cure my lonliness. Let's go over the basics: At the moment I'm a casual Halo player (though I have been with the series since the release of Combat Evolved), and I'm looking to become more involved game wise. I'm a decent player, and enjoy playing Sparten Ops, Capture the Flag, and Team Slayer. I'm terrible with power weapons and tend to avoid them, so I favor team games. Maybe looking to join a clan Gamertag is UnraveledEnigma. If anyone's looking for someone to blast up Halo 4 with I'm your gal! (I did mention I was a girl right?)
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