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  1. While experimenting with the Halo 4 forge, I hit upon the idea of a game type that I wished to try; but alas, can't seem to figure out how to actually make it work. Premise is simple, shields do not naturally regenerate; but there are indicated trait zones set up that quickly charge a player's shields, thereby making territory control that much more interesting, possibly with one-way energy barriers and similar. However, when experimenting with the basic premise, I seem unable to actually disable shield regeneration. Shield regeneration set to 0% merely acts identical to 100%, with no obvious reasoning behind this. I was wondering if anyone else had encountered this, knew what I was doing wrong (total Forge amateur that I am), or simply knows a workaround to force shields to not regenerate. It's puzzling me no end that 0% doesn't disable it. (Other than shield regeneration rate, all other values were defaulted to Infinity Slayer, if that helps.)
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