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  1. Yeah I figured that. I am going to post this on the halo waypoint too I just haven't done it yet because i didnt feel like creating a microsoft account. Thank you anyway for taking the time to read it even if you can't help. Much appreciated.
  2. My husband and i were very excited to get halo 4. we have really enjoyed playing games together and we especially like the halo games because we can play the actual campaign together where other games only allow us to play the multiplayer games together. but with halo 4 we could not have been more disappointed. we played half of the campaign last night and the whole time it would not allow me to save anything or get any achievements because it kept displaying the "failed to write" to my gamer tag error message. i was playing on a local account while he was on his xbox live account. it allowed us to play but did not save anyhing for me. today when we went back in to play, our entire campaign is gone and we can't resume. we can only start over if we want to play together. Or he can continue without me. I have seen a few posts about this topic regarding failure to write but most of them relate to people having problems with their Xbox live account failing to write to their gamer tag. A few post responses have said that when this problem was encountered with an Xbox live account, they were able to re-download their account and the problem goes away. Well that's all well and good if you are playing on an Xbox live account. But when you are trying to play the campaign locally with two players, one Xbox live and one local account, and you get the "failed to write" message for the local account, then what are you supposed to do? My husbands live account is saving progress fine. It is my local account thats having the problem. So here we are looking forward to halo 4 because it is one of the few games that is available that we both enjoy and that allows us to play the campaign together and we can't. That's the main reason we bought it. Maybe someone at 343 can find a way to fix this issue. $60 for a game that doesn't work right is more than disappointing. I'm a little surprised the game was released with this flaw.
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