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Grunt (1/19)



  1. Keep it simple right? Just make it easy and Join Team Exotiic. We are casual and laid back guys but are highly tactical utilizing communication. Just add me and sign up at teamexotiic.enjin.com Look forward to meeting you!
  2. Keep it simple right? Just make it easy and Join Team Exotiic. We are casual and laid back guys but are highly tactical utilizing communication. Just add me and sign up at teamexotiic.enjin.com Look forward to meeting you!
  3. Keep it simple right? Just make it easy and Join Team Exotiic. We are casual and laid back guys but are highly tactical utilizing communication. Just add me and sign up at teamexotiic.enjin.com Look forward to meeting you!
  4. Join Team Exotiic. We have a professional leader with various experience and welcome all newcomers. Add DiscipleOfFir3. We look forward to having you!
  5. Hey. If your recruiting doesn't pan out id love tp have some great guys like yourselves to join my group. HMU if interested! GT: DiscipleOfFir3
  6. Hey. If your recruiting doesn't pan out id love tp have some great guys like yourselves to join my group. HMU if interested! GT: DiscipleOfFir3
  7. Well if your recruiting doesn't go well id love to have some great guys like yourselves join my group. HMU if interested. My GT is the same as my username
  8. So I'm bringing back an old clan idea of mine. If I pick up a few friendlies that's cool if not oh well. We are just a casual group. We play for fun and try to be tactical (call outs and such) so no biggie if your not the best. I've ran clans on BF3 (TET and ETU) and it went well for a while. I've got experience building websites as well. I'm simply looking for a cool group of guys to play and practice with. Maybe get in some clan battles once we feel comfortable. So ya. Add me or ill add you and we can get started. I'm not looking to cause trouble or start arguments so lets try and keep it civil.
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