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Zero the Hero

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Grunt (1/19)



  1. This isnt my first rodeo, Luckily for the most of us Im not a jerk! (Language filter lol) I do poke fun a stupid people but im practically harmless. I understand that its a game, internetand basic humanity. Just looking for some cool people to play some vidja games Grammar isnt too important to me, as long as you get your point across its cool
  2. Thank you, I plan to using this forum alot because theres a reader for my Iphone Everyone was really cool, me and absolute dog really kicked it off so i have a really good vibe from this place already, hoping to make a lasting effect here.
  3. Hello everybody. Finally found the time to sign up on this forums seeing how everyone on waypoint is too busy complaining about halo instead of playing. I just got down playing with a few of the community members such as absolute dog and a few others for the community play date. I had a lot of fun playing with competent and communicative team mates. I have been playing halo since the beginning, so im well versed in the ways of halo Im looking forward to meeting more of you fine people and playing some of that halo. Right now my xbox is out of commission, it refuses to play games, saving up for a new one. Thanks guys and girls
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