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HB Kicks

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    United States

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    HB Kicks

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Drone (3/19)



  1. Welcome to the Community [insert name here] -343i Bot
  2. You're trending on the Forums!! But of course, you deserve it. Keep doin your thing! +1 like for achieving 500.
  3. 100 ways to die in Halo is at #25! We're a quarter of the way there! We can do it! So far, I like what im seeing. Contribute here: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/23354-100-ways-to-die-in-halo/

  4. That's actually a really neat idea! I can see it be, the more you progress in levels, the more assassinations you unlock. everyone will be competing for that one amazing assassination, just like the Halo 3 hunt for the Recon helmet.
  5. Well there's two #5's. oh well let's keep going! 9. Blatanly betrayed by your Trolling friend
  6. Hello everybody! I was scrolling through old Topics in the offbeat section and I saw one that said, "100 ways to die in Halo" or something like that. So... with that being said, I'd love to reintroduce it (in a different way) and see what you guys/girls think are some unique ways to die in Halo! If you suddenly lost the ability to count, just look at the number of replies, if this is done right, you should be on the number after the latest reply Rules: (gotta have em) 1. Can only say 1 way to die per post. 2. You have to wait for someone to post before you can post again. 3. try to limit to at least 10 posts. 4. Must be a legitimate way to die in Halo 5. Be creative. (yes, it's a rule) 6. Do not post anything other than a way to die. (pm if you have a question.) 7. Make sure you put the number you're on before posting! 8. All Halo's 1-4 and those in between are welcome. 9. Edit your post to the next number if someone posts at the same time as you. Hopefully this reaches 100. In the end I will put all 100 ways to die in a new topic so that all of you can see. And maybe we can take a vote on who had the funniest and most creative way! Please contribute, it only takes 1 post to continue the chain! shall I start? 1. Throw a sticky grenade at a weapon, then picking it up -Kicks
  7. Welcome to the Community man! I highly recommend you read this http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/23323-a-message-to-the-community/#entry222611. But of course, it's not required
  8. I'm so glad that you posted this Mayhem. It will definitely help me change for the better. Im just praying that the newly created members see this and think, "Maybe I shouldn't start an arguement" Anyways, you probably don't need it, but it makes me feel like I have some sort of power.... so +1 like for sir.
  9. Happy Birthday to me! Party at my house, you're all invited. ...As long as you bring food.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LiquidLuigi


      I forgot to bring food...


      Happy B-day :)

    3. Harbinger
    4. PuRe PoNy

      PuRe PoNy

      play halo campaign and put the grunt birthday party skull on. Then every time you headshot a grunt it's like a happy birthday from the covenant.

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