Yes, I'm late to the party. Deal with it.
Woah woah woah. Hold on a second.
1. I agree that the MULTIPLAYER aspect does seem a little too much like CoD to me, but the campaign? Not really. Also, watch your words. I don't think that comparing anything to Twilight is allowed here.
2. Wow. Could someone explain to me how finishing all the campaigns of Halo 2, 3 and Reach and playing online on 3 and Reach for a combined total of well over 100 hours AND actually owning every Halo game, with the exception of Combat Evolved and the interactive board game not actually have seen the "goods of Halo"?
3. Uh, no. I'm not going to deny that I mess around with modded maps, but I don't actually make them. Plus I rarely finish them, because there is very little point in finishing them, mainly because I can't send them to Forgehub, because that goes against their map submission rules.
4. Next time you make an argument, spend ten minutes on making it legible to a normal human, please?
Bro, you could only put down two lights in Reach, something which even I'll admit got annoying after a while, so your argument is completely invalid. However, I cannot disagree with you on the file-share and Waypoint issues.
First off, yes, I was a little bit disappointed that there was no massive map, but now I've had a look at some maps, it's actually pretty good. Also, something that crazfulla and someone else who I can't remember off the top of my head is that Forge World was, and somehow still is, over the top when used. Any fool can make a map the size of Texas, but it's the smaller maps which are, usually, the best maps. If you want proof, go have a look at some of the maps that The Halo Forge Epidemic have featured on Halo Reach. Are they small? Yes. Are they detailed? Yes. Have some of the maps that THFE featured been put on the Reach matchmaking playlist? Yes. Therefore, my case is settled*.
Now, onto the UNSC air vehicles. Yes, there's a lack of them, but there's also a lack of Covenant mechs and yet none of you are whining about that, are you? To be brutally honest, I think 343 were a bit lazy here, but all that means is that you have to be creative, and if you're not creative, you shouldn't be forging. It is literally as simple as that.
Finally, and this is something which I want to bring up, you can still make urban maps. The only decent map for this is probably Impact and it's still a massive pain in the ***, but it is still feasible and, with a couple of weapon balancing tutorials, it can actually be half decent.
The two main problems that I have is that there isn't a relatively big map for large aesthetic forge maps and that fact that it feels like it's turned from Forge 2.0 for simpletons or pros to Forge 3.0 for dummies.
*Apart from the Forge art pieces. Those are the ONLY exception to the rule