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Everything posted by ANonLethalNinja

  1. This is regarding the previous post, putting AI and ability to change the components/terrain of a map would change forge from a Map editor to a map creator. In doing this you change the purpose of forge and it might not have the same feel to it. The ability to shape the terrain is cool but does not fit in halo (and would be buggier than anything). Oh and one more suggestion that i have wanted since Halo 3: A despawn timer. So if you want to make a room that you cant get into until 2 minutes into the game, you could block it with a wall and set the wall to despawn in 2 minutes and then you have a temporarily blocked room.
  2. Cool it's nice to know that people like my idea, for whatever reason i thought i was alone with the corpses idea (BaconShelf also makes a good point with the destroyed vehicles that would be cool). Like i said before corpses (and destroyed vehicles) are in campaign so we know its possible, so why not give them to us in forge?
  3. Not what i was asking for but it would be cool if this happened. I wanted a description of what you think a promethian vehicle would be like
  4. One of the things i am hoping for in halo 5 is prometian vehicles. I would like to know if there were promethian vehicles, what would they... 1) ...Be named 2) ...Look like 3) ...Have as weapons (i.e. ghost has dual guns, warthog has turret, and mongoose has none) 4) ...Travel by (wheels, hover, fly, treads) 5) ...Have as a UNSC equivelent (i.e. Wraith=Scorpian) 6) ...do when hijacked (i.e. explode like Wraith or taken over like ghost)
  5. My main problems (that aren't a glitch/mod/bug) are the spartains are forced to be green in flood. The flood can't sprint (most annoying thing, that needs to be fixed). The join mid game feature (at least make it able to be chosen wheather you wanted to join or not, make it an option in the menu). No flying UNSC vehicle in Multiplayer/Forge (at least make something possibly a smaller version of the pelican that is a transport vehicle with some sort of gun to protect itself).
  6. i agree having a forge disc isnt the best idea but it might not be 3 discs there are rumors (not sure if confirmed yet) that the Xbox 720 will have Blu Ray (meaning bigger disc space) if that is true Halo 5 has the potential to be bigger and better than ever before (and if 343 manage to still need an instalation of a second disc in halo 5 that means that halo 5 is HUGE and will probably have a massive forge/multiplayer/custom games, and if you think about it, if 343 made campaign on one blu ray disc it could be amazing and hopefully the best campaign ever and the second disc (needing to be installed) could contain forge/multiplayer/etcetera would have enough space to put in a large amount of new and old content in it and make it the best halo yet. But this is only IF the blu ray rumor is true. (Sorry for long post but i have a lot to say) And if you really think about it Halo 4 was 343's first solo build (with execption of certain affinity) they helped with defiant map pack (Halo Reach) they helped with Waypoint, they also helped with anneversary. But Halo 5 will be their second solo project. Now lets look back into the past with Bungie and Halo: CE. Bungie had made a couple games and series before halo they had some experiance with the creation of games (keep in mind 343 helps bungie later on, and learns from bungie) when they created Halo: CE people loved it, Bungie knew this was an amazing concept. So here comes Halo 2 Bungie's SECOND halo title, with their previous experiance of both games and Halo: CE they are ready to fix any problems/dislikes about the game. Halo 2 (the BEST halo in some peoples mind but i have personally never played it) was huge it worked so well and lots of people loved it. Now look at Halo 4, it works but there are some things that need to be fixed in the next title (see where i am going with this?). Halo 5 343 will have had time to reflect on what worked what didnt and what needs to be put in and taken out. If history truely does repeat itself then Halo 5 could be the best halo made by 343 if not the best Halo. Now if you actually read through all of this thanks if not thats ok it was a pretty long post. I tried to break it up the best i could. How you interpret everything i have said may be different than what if am trying to say so i will make one clarification: IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM AM I TRYING TO SAY THAT HALO 5 WILL ABSOLUTELY BE BEST (AGAIN NOT WHAT I AM SAYING) I AM SIMPLY SAYING IT HAS A POTENTIAL TO BE ONE OF THE BEST.
  7. I would like some sort of search bar, but if you get used to menu it becomes usless. I would prefer two things 1) a button that will generate lighting so you dont have to do it EVERY time you leave forge mode and 2) a "locate object" option, meaning if you cant find a piece that you made awhile ago (like a block 5X5, or a vechicle when others mess around on your map) and you have alot on your map you dont have to delete all of that object to get rid of one or two of the same object you cant find (happens all the time to me with my friends messing around while i forge). Although number two might be more of a personal thing, i am pretty sure alot of people will agree to number one.
  8. Personally i think Impact is the best forge map in halo 4 BUT if there was a way to make a Impact themed forge world-ish map i would spend majority of my time there. I loved forge world but now the only map i forge on is impact because it has the best special objects (the impact objects). But if impact were made bigger and into a "forge world", forge would be so much better. Although I would be perfectly happy with a forge world remake OR just a brand new forge world, i would prefer a space forge world. Or even better make a Space (impact like) forge map (size of forge world), a grassy forge map (ravine like) forge map (again forge world size), and a cave (erosion like) forge map (yet again the size of forge world).
  9. I have always wanted to create fear in the survivor's mind on my infection/flood maps. I thought that having corpses on the map (its in campaign why not forge) would create more fear and maybe a feeling of danger. There could be different kinds of corpses for example a UNSC marine or an Elite or a civillian. They would also be a logical place for weapons on a flood/infection map (marine died you can get his AR) As a second idea there could be tripwires and moving pieces so you could make a trapdoor on ceiling with a corpse or two that when triggered it drops the corpses onto the player. But these are just my opinions, what do you think of my idea?
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