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DHG Gengar

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Everything posted by DHG Gengar

  1. What's up THFE! This is another one of my maps, made by yours truly. It would be AWESOME to be featured on the YT channel! I love you guys and everything that i do in forge is pretty much motivated from the videos that i watch on the channel. I love the tutorials and seeing all the cool mini games and competitive maps. PLEASE CHECK THIS OUT! Gamertag: DHG Gengar Map: Apollo's Chariot. This map is in my fileshare on Halo 4 considering that there is no way to link my fileshare online, yet...sorry. Gametype: Halo. This map is also on my fileshare in Halo 4...sorry. Description: This is my recreation of the famous gametype "Halo" that originated on Halo 3 and proceeded to Reach. Except this time, I've made a track instead of a large circle. There are shmeefs EVERYWHERE, i love the shmeef concept, its amazing. And of course, there is the sniper in the middle of the map, which you do kill if you make it all the way...except this time, he has a laser. Pictures: Sorry for the bad quality, i had to take the pictures with my iPhone on my television, i dont have a capture card or HD PVR or whatever...
  2. Hey THFE! This is an original map made by yours truly. I would LOVE to get showcases on the YT channel because i think you guys are awesome and it would mean a whole lot to have my map shown to thousands. Gamertag: DHG Gengar Map: Quietus. Its on my xbox file share considering I can't link it because there is no online fileshare yet...sorry. Gametype: Rocket Royal. Also on my xbox fileshare...sorry. Description: It's sort of like rocket race but different because the mongooses are indestructable so the goal is to "rocket" the other teams off the map to hold the hill instead of killing them. This just gives it a little twist. Its started with teams of two, which is best, but it CAN be played with an odd number of people in the lobby...it's just that one person is not going to have a shooter... Pictures: Sorry for the bad quality, the only way i could get pictures was to take them on my iPhone... ALSO: In the map, it says "Sweet Leaf", which was my old gamertag when i posted this. My GT is now DHG Gengar.
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