I have been a fan of Halo 2 since the beginning and I will always prefer the maps from Halo 2 so I had to remake one of them. Lockout was my favorite but I know a lot of people will be attempting perfect versions of the map and so I thought of Turf because I played Double team a lot and I missed the map. Now I already notice people are attempting this map, not until I have already started but the things I noticed about them are, well, they don't feel the same.
I forged this map on a screen side by side another screen with the original map and I wanted everything to feel the same. If you need to crouch jump on top of something then that's how it needed to be. If you could almost reach something without jumping onto a box but not quite then that would be in my map also. The reticle, when lined up to things/buildings in the original, would line up the same with most parts of this map. Line of sights, I had set as best I could. The platforms and things in other maps weren't at the right height compared to the chief so I had to make them right in my map. The tent for example, you should be able to crouch jump on top of it, it shouldn't be two times bigger than the Chief. When you jump on to it from above, it should feel like you are going for a super bounce (of course you can't) but I made sure most of the original jumps were in the map.
While I made sure you can't go out of the map anywhere, you can still trick jump your way to the top of the building above the tent or above the plasma pistol across from it. I felt it would keep the map like the original, I don't see a reason to take them out. If you didn't like those parts in Halo 2 then chances are you won't like playing this map.
The only problems are, in my opinion
there aren't enough crates available
there is no scarab, while running out of objects and money I felt I chose the right parts of the map to spend it on.
I set the map up a lot like the original. I took the time to set all of the player spawns the same, the hills are exactly same shape, odd ball has to be played the same way as well as CTF. I only set it for two team CTF. The plasma rifles I replaced with storm rifles. I know I could have just not made the map on erosion but it was the first thing I tried and I just didn't stop and think twice until I was finished.
With all of that said I hope someone enjoys my version of turf as it took me a few weeks to finish it but I don't mind criticism so let me have it.
You can download it by searching my gamer tag: o Tallon o