My dream was.... interesting. None of it makes sense, but it is what happened.
So, me and my brother took my dads truck. We were driving and we stopped at a store. We got out, and the next thing we knew, the truck was gone. So we continued on with our bikes (I have no idea where they came from) and we came to a construction zone to where a ramp was blocked off by the road ahead... like the road was just done for, and then to the right was a very steep hill. My brother took his bike and jumped down about 50 ft and landed just fine. He told me to go ahead and I'll be fine. I didn't want to break a leg, so I went down the very steep hill. Sliding down, and my brother called me a whimp. I was hurt, but I moved on. So then we went on our way home, and the next thing I know, my brother was in the truck driving it home.
Then I woke up.
I woke up and said "That was... interesting. Didn't make any sense at all."