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  1. Am I the only one who thinks that there are way to many automatic weapons challenges? Today there are Three of those: Kill 13 in a single match (2450 xp) and a weekly kill 15 in a single match (6250 xp) and Waypoint weekly kill 200 with'em (7000 xp) And no BR/DMR challenges It's like: You want more XP? Well use this easy weapon. Not only do they who try this challenge have it easier to kill. But they get more XP too. But if they fail, they start over in the next game In my experience. It's at least twice as many Automatic challenges then BR or DMR challenges. So I ask you 343i. Not to take them away (unfortunetly) but can you have less Automatic challenges? Or maybe I play Halo 4 on the wrong days, then this topic can go shove an AR up it's @**
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