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Everything posted by akutenshi1975

  1. ahmen to that. i miss the rising chorus and the actual instrumental feel that the original Soundtracks brought
  2. while i think that songs like "Nemesis" "Awakening" "Revival" "Blue and Green" and "Requiem" where pretty good, but i admit, i got an immense chill when the song that played after the didact's ship reached the UNSC Research facility located near the Halo installation and it just gave the game alot of life for those brief few seconds. I'd like to see the original Halo Theme, Last Spartan, Ghosts of Reach, One Final Effort, and multiple tracks from Reach (can't think of them at the moment, sorry), and some of ODST's songs, bring some of those back or model after them, give us that instrumental feel, make the music make the game come back to life, the most that Halo 4's Soundtrack did to me was just keep me awake and up beat, but it didn't give me the feel that the original Halo Soundtracks composed by Martin O'Donnell did. those where what helped make Halo special, ontop of it's storyline and big maps to run on as well as how big the campaign levels where and the things we could do on them. And the Easter Eggs
  3. my Clan, Special Tactics and Assault Teams is currently recruiting on Halo 4, we have at least 13 members so far and we're still growing! our clan consists of three groups, Scout (think of them like Jackals or Snipers, they use DMR's, Battle Rifle's, Snipers, etc.), Heavy (think of them as Elites or Brutes, they use heavy weaponry), and Assault (think of them as Grunts, they go in and fight) if you want to join us, and get more information message one of the following leaders: Akutenshi1975 DREAMx Tactics xxV1talVARNEYxx Clan Website: statclan.weebly.com please note we are still working on the site
  4. Listen, i liked Neil Davidge's music for Halo 4, but the moment in the game when the Didacts ship exited Slipspace near the Halo Installation, the rising chorus and the music sent a chill down my spine and it added alot of life back into the game. In all honsety, I think we should have the kind of music that Martin O'Donnel made put back into Halo 5. i mean Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 2, Halo: Reach, and Halo 3 ODST all had amazing music that just added some emotion to the game, the most Neil Davidges music did (minus the song Requiem which was played on the second level after you exit the cave, that was purely amazing and added alot of feeling towards the game) mainly just caused me to get tensed up and kind of made me lose the mood that the game was trying to set. Don't get me wrong, Neil Davidge made some good music, but Martin O'Donnel just gave life to the games
  5. i agree, i like impact, ravine, and erosion but i'd like to have another forge world like they did in Reach in Halo 5
  6. How about we have the music for it be like the music in the other Halo games, i mean Halo 4 had a nice feel to it with the music it used, but i miss Martin O'Donnel's music....it gave it a little more life and i honestly liked it. also more covenant, UNSC, and Forerunner weapons, vehicles, and bring back the ability to play as an elite on multiplayer. Also bring back invasion!
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