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Everything posted by shadowarrior99

  1. Here is one idea i had for sticky grenades. In a realistic world, it would only make sense; and I think for game play, it would make sense too. After being stuck so many times, don't you think there would be technology invented to REMOVE or PUSH AWAY the sticky grenades? Now, i know what some of you may be thinking, "BUT I WANT MY STICKY KILL!" I think it would add an interesting element and a REALISTIC element to the game. Perhaps there is a plasma grenade that can remove sticky grenades off of the player and add it to the ammo. Perhaps there is an armor ability (or whatever those other armor affects are, i'm too lazy to look) that removes the sticky grenades and pushes them away a short distance, so they can still blow up on the ground and possibly injure the player. Or the sticky grenade "bounces" or deflects back at the player who threw it. I'm just saying that this is a possibility, and at least consider it. Thanks.
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