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Everything posted by MRGierut013

  1. Thanks for clearing that up, I honestly did not know any of that. I'm warming up the their idea of loadouts now for Halo.
  2. You mean like, "Active Camouflage"? Like what the game already has?
  3. Good Ideas! A counter-assassination would be different, but if there is one thing I've always liked about the Halo franchise, there was never any 2nd chances. If you're snuck-up-on, your going to get whats coming to you. I agree with limited matchmaking vehicle's. Even though the limited vehicle weapons make games more challenging, it would be nice to be able to use a Banshee or Falcon (Hornet) to it's full potential. The A.I. idea you have is something I've been wanting for a long time. Firefight fills that void pretty well, but I have to admit a "Goldeneye-esc" single/multiplayer game on a multiplayer map with your buddies would rule (Slappers Only!). Different pistols would be sweet. (the pistol in Halo 2 sucked btw) Frag and Stickey grenades are perfect just they way they are, Fire and Spike grenades would be nice to see again. What about a Flash-Bang? Some other members were taliking about a Cryo grenade in a different thread. I never liked the idea of taking features from other games and applying them to Halo. Halo has always been about a kick ass FPS gameplay experience. Hopefully there wont be a huge change in gameplay. Bungie has done an awesome Job, they've had me hooked for the past ten years.
  4. Agreed. Armor effects are cool, but lets not lose focus on the game play.
  5. I'm happy with frags and stickys, fire and spike grenades would be a nice to have again. A new Idea I have would be a flash-bang, kind of like the "Flare" in Halo 3 equipment selection, but in addition to blurring your vision it also impairs your hearing, and possibly effect your radar. A Cryo style grenade would be sweet too! Either way I'm really excited for Halo 4, I'm sure (and hope ) 343i will nail it.
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