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Everything posted by ManBearPig916

  1. It's very balanced. It takes a few seconds to charge, and once charged, you're forced into firing a second later. You can't just hold the weapon ready to fire on someone. You are forced to anticipate when you need the shot, charge up, and fire. If you charge up and the opportunity to fire isn't there, the gun will still fire. If someone is corner camping, toss a grenade around the corner or something, just don't give someone an easy kill if you think it's coming.
  2. I'm new to this game, and I've been rushed by assault rifle users when I'm equipped with the dmr. I am now using a tactic that confuses them and works 70% of the time with ppl who are running towards me. Just run back and strafe left, right left right, and be sure that you begin to run back the INSTANT you see someone in medium range when they turn a corner. The strafing will make them miss enough for you to get your 4 to 5 head shots before they shoot you dead, and the running back makes them TRY to melee you when they panic, but they're out of range. The strafing left and right every 1/3 to 1/2 second also makes it a little tougher for them to land a plasma on you. That's my advice, and it works often enough that I still do it.
  3. Earlier today, I completed the war games daily titled "Fully Automated," racking in just 13 kills. I wanted to complete the war games weekly titled "Fully Automated," which asks for the player to get 15 kills with an automatic weapon in 1 match. Well, I made a point to get the achieve before I went to bed. I racked up 18 kills with the assault rifle as a loadout weapon in my most recent match. I'm going to bed now, so you can review my last game or something. The problem is, it didn't register as a completion of the weekly challenge, where it still shows progress stuck at 13/15. This is probably a bug where either weeklies can't be completed if a daily has the same name, or the "Infinity Challenge Regicide" doesn't qualify as a game mode for completing challenges. Any input is appreciated, -ManBearPig916
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