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Everything posted by twiqpawa

  1. No, that you can teleport to a teammate or if that will be annoying you can teleport to a given location on the map.
  2. I'd like an assasination where you bring the opponent over your knee and with both hands smash your weapon through his shield, crack his visor and shoot his face (think how epic it would be with the promethian sniper)
  3. In halo 5 there will most likely still be ordinance, so I'd like a teleportation ordinance. The way it would work: 1. When you use this ordinance you can choose any teammate in a safe-area to teleport to, (will take a few seconds to teleport) there will be a list to choose from. 2. Either/also you can teleport in the same way but not to a teammate but to a special location, maybe 3 in total on the map. Why? This will be of Great help if there will be large scale maps in halo 5 and on the small CQC games/maps this attribute can be taken away in the gametype options list. So what do you guys think? Evaluate this idea and add to it!
  4. If 343 adds more weapons, like 5-6 different side arms, i'd like to see this as a new shotgun!
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