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Everything posted by Mainbrid

  1. Well it actually wasn't worked on before team snipes considering the snipes playlist was already released for a period of time
  2. Shotgun is better than scattershot overall but they're somewhat balanced since scattershot has fast fire rate
  3. The best maps are the ones you personally just like the most so haven solace ragnarok. A lot of people like adrift but I don't really enjoy it mainly for the color scheme, not a great reason but its a little too dark. The best halo maps imo have always been the symmetrical ones
  4. What halo are you playing where shotgun=needler
  5. Hard light shield is honestly not that bad, it does reflect pretty much all gunfire. More useful than auto sentry so I don't consider it the worst AA
  6. Only play inf slayer and swat so no ridiculous vehicle whoring sprees but I got a 21-0 once, more kills sometimes but with deaths
  7. I feel like slayer pro or oddball would be best for shutout, I feel like all the personal ordnance would sort of ruin the map
  8. Don't really see how this is an issue, even if multiple people do it at once it doesn't matter when you have thrust or jet pack and know how to use it
  9. Why do people keep making these topics, it's not a debate. Dmr is just better at everything except swat where it's still comparable to the br
  10. Dual wielding was always so dumb in my opinion, actually glad it's gone, one of the few definite improvements in halo 4 IMO
  11. Not op, only bad kids use it to get kills on other bad kids. It's good but only at short range
  12. Magnum really is the most useless secondary, has no special abilities like boltshot or pp
  13. Never had an ordnance stolen, just wait for a good time to call it aka with no d-bag teammates around or just don't play with idiots
  14. You don't have to lead shots in halo 4 like you did in 3 so that might be it
  15. If you're just aiming for perfection then something like this Dmr- because it's the best obviously Boltshot- because it's the best obviously Frags- generally better if you know how to place nades, plasmas are mostly for kids that just hope to get lucky and try to get a stick before they die or get a lucky stick across the map Thruster or regen field or camo- thrust helps you evade and get away quick, obviously regen and camo help you stay alive as well Resupply/shielding- resupply because its generally one of the best packages for anything since having 2 nades runs out fast if you're not planning to die at all, and shielding is self explanatory Dexterity/ordnance priority/stealth- dexterity might give you the edge in a fight, ordnance priority lets you camp power weaps and stealth helps you avoid Prometheus vision tryhards But really loadout isn't as important as playing smart when you want a perfection
  16. DMR is easier faster and hits harder than the BR, DMR>BR /topic
  17. What we need is to nerf plasma pistol homing ability and give it to boltshot
  18. Not worth the time to hate on it, I just enjoy it. Love dropping kids with swords etc
  19. I wish they'd add shotty snipes from h3
  20. Jetpack is undeniably the best AA, then it's maybe thruster or PV
  21. I haven't really played any campaign past the first few levels but I wasn't aware there was a knife you could use in the game. Seems pointless anyway since it wouldn't ever be as good as the sword
  22. There's a lot of other things that used the word ragnarok before that movie was made
  23. Never liked any of the automatics but storm rifle I guess is surprisingly accurate
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