If you're just aiming for perfection then something like this
Dmr- because it's the best obviously
Boltshot- because it's the best obviously
Frags- generally better if you know how to place nades, plasmas are mostly for kids that just hope to get lucky and try to get a stick before they die or get a lucky stick across the map
Thruster or regen field or camo- thrust helps you evade and get away quick, obviously regen and camo help you stay alive as well
Resupply/shielding- resupply because its generally one of the best packages for anything since having 2 nades runs out fast if you're not planning to die at all, and shielding is self explanatory
Dexterity/ordnance priority/stealth- dexterity might give you the edge in a fight, ordnance priority lets you camp power weaps and stealth helps you avoid Prometheus vision tryhards
But really loadout isn't as important as playing smart when you want a perfection