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Everything posted by Mainbrid

  1. Means getting tons of kills and winning Also predicting what the other guys will do and preplacing nades, getting a team shot and knowing when to back down
  2. Dont try to for a perfection right off the bat, wait for a game when you have a good opening and and a few kills no deaths before changing your playstyle to aim for a perfection Run for power weapons off spawn, dont go in the open and use a loadout that generally helps with staying alive like -camo hiding -thrust pack running -ordnance priority for camping power weaps -dexterity little upper hand -resupply or shielding -ctf camping flag with power weap -btb with camo/ammo/light rifle, ragnarok works well
  3. Actually if you don't miss LR scoped is fastest And only tips you need are Dmr boltshot loadout, keep moving and don't miss, strafe and aim for neck when sniping
  4. There's this thing called a spartan laser if you didn't know, kind of the only laser weapon there is Anyways, who cares about the little details
  5. Maybe something is wrong with your connection or tv, my split screen works fine except in split screen the radar doesn't have enough detail to show if enemies are above or below
  6. AR/Storm rifle don't need any boosts, Carbine does since it sucks. Primary gun that takes more shots to kill than a magnum, lol
  7. solution: don't play it then /topic
  8. Ignoring the fact that youre clearly half blind since you cant see the 9000 topics exactly like this on every halo related forum in internet history, Boltshot would be useless with a 2sk and they will never nerf it that much do it doesn't matter. If you're writing this you're probably not very good with the boltshot and keep getting dropped by people that are
  9. Boltshot is op compared to counterparts but a nerf other than 1sk range decrease would make it useless
  10. And to balance the game more, add a br that shoots binary rifle shots when unscoped and spartan laser shots when scoped as a loadout weapon
  11. Only tip you need is Dmr Boltshot loadout, whatever AA and packages you want (I recommend jet pack for giving you so many new angles and routes, resupply cus its so nice to have more than 2 nades, dexterity/stability to win fights), keep moving forwards and practice those 5 shots, Br just puts you at a disadvantage Also don't overuse sprint, bad kids always sprint too much and run into the fight and never get first shot Learn to place nades, frags are generally better unless you're a bad kid that just tries to get 1 stick kill before dying
  12. It's okay if you're using firepower and have an AR secondary with a dmr br primary (which is also kind of pointless since boltshot is way better than AR at close range) but other than that yeah it's pointless. What skill does an AR take?
  13. General- Dmr Boltshot jetpack resupply dexterity/stability nuff said, used to use shielding til I realized how amazing resupply is. Infinity slayer-same as general but with ordnance priority and maybe requisition Btb- light rifle Boltshot camo/thrust/jetpack mobility ammo
  14. That's because getting 130 isn't a matter of skill it's just play time and spamming spartan ops and playing alot
  15. This is the only playlist where the br is actually better than the dmr
  16. Guess you found all the other halo games boring because everyone started with the same thing in all of them Not saying the other rifles don't have a purpose, just best overall PV might be the best if you're new but if you use it well jetpack or thrust are the best AAs
  17. Mainbrid


    BR feels cooler but DMR is better at all ranges except maybe point blank. So no reason other than to get the commendation
  18. That'd be awful An AR with a scope is essentially a crappy BR There's a reason some weapons don't have scopes
  19. If you use an AR and you have DMR or BR unlocked, just lol
  20. None of them are better than Ammo/dexterity tac pacs
  21. The default tacticals( ammo dexterity and ordnance) are better than all the specialization tacticals, what's the point besides ranking up
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