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Everything posted by jmf7334

  1. Exactly... radar and motion sensor reduces players to crouching around everywhere, basically making it a slow pace sneak game. That's stupid though. It reduces the enjoyability of the game and contributes nothing back in terms of game play. This is why professional Halo tournaments (MLG) always turn motion sensor off.
  2. Dear 343, nearly 10 years ago we gathered around greatness, brought together by the very same Halo CE multiplayer you now propose to destroy... If you ship Halo Anniversary with anything more or less than the ORIGINAL Halo CE multiplayer on XBL the gaming world will never forgive you. You will be as mocked and ridiculed as an amateur artist attempting to "modify" an original Mona Lisa. Though relatively few, know that we represent a much larger population of real gamers... gamers who nearly shed a tear when reflecting on long nights and 8+ person LAN parties that were made possible by the perfection of Halo CE multiplayer. We also watched in horror as Bungie attempted to "improve upon" the original, creating all but a train wreck for those who understood the depth of Halo CE. Please don't make the same mistake. Give us what we want. Give us a TRUE remake! Give us Halo CE Multiplayer!!!!!
  3. Absolutely! You put it perfectly. It would be a mindless mistake to do a remake that's not a remake. The pistol is the most amazing weapon in an FPS and Bungie went downhill after Halo CE by removing the one weapon everybody loved. Why?!? The multiplayer from Halo CE is more balanced, more exciting, and more "perfect" than any of the multiplayer components in the Halos that came after. After Halo CE, Bungie proceeded to change the physics of the game, but for no good reason. Did they just feel the need to change the most basic components of the FPS that put them on the map. Even though Call of Duty is annoying, I have to give them credit that they at least know who they are. From one version to the next the foundation of the gameplay doesn't change. I wish I could say the same thing for Bungie and its Halo franchise. Halo started out as a remarkable, totally unique game that hit the nail right on the head. But somehow it lost its identity. Halo needs to go back to where it started and shed the dead weight of crude and unnecessary attempts at "improvement" that have accumulated like soot from the 4 versions that have come after.
  4. Baracus, I agree with you. That's disturbing news. Where did you read that they would screw around with the multiplayer? Did 343 say it?
  5. A challenge to 343: When you launch multiplayer for Halo: CE, run an a/b split test for the following variable: A (Control): Multiplayer with Motion Sensor enabled B (Test): Multiplayer with Motion Sensor DISABLED After 3 months see how frequently players given variant B of multiplayer play and also how long they play. I guarantee that although you may get some resistance at first, players will see that DISABLING motion sensor improves the gameplay on every level and you will have a much more engaged, sustainable fan base that LOVES IT! Motion Sensor takes away the element of surprise and also slows down the gameplay. It takes away the possibility of "ditching" an opponent because they can just watch their radar. It also accommodates campers who can sit in one spot and wait for the red dots to come around. Plus, how cool is it to turn the corner and BAM, an enemy in your face and both of you equally suprised. Motion Sensor removes these essential elements in a FPS and gives nothing in return.
  6. Ha ha, all you guys suggesting that 343 would "obviously need to add stuff" is laughable. You didn't enjoy Halo CE because you never had 4 v 4 LANS that lasted 12 hours weekend after weekend. You need to give the original Halo CE a chance and realize it is the best FPS to ever hit the market, with maybe Golden Eye preceding it. Look, grab Halo CE, get a LAN together, turn off motion sensor, use the Human Weapons setting and you'll wonder what happen to the last 12 hours of your life because it was so much fun you lost track of time. Trust me, Halo CE is P-E-R-F-E-C-T if the settings are right!
  7. I'm sorry but the original post is totally off. How is Reach more like Call of Duty? They added a JET PACK, HOLOGRAM, instant BUBBLE SHIELD, and other totally unrealistic and game-runining "upgrades". If anything Reach far into left field, into Unreal tournament's territory. The multiplayer in Halo: CE is truly perfect and in my opinion there has not been an FPS to match it in the ten years since its debut. 343 would be foolish to "upgrade" a Mona Lisa. The reason you want them to tweak it is because you never experienced the first one in it's fullness. Sorry, but I disagree. 343, please leave Halo CE alone! The only thing I would "change" isn't really a change. I would suggest that 343 disable motion sensor on the multiplayer component. This was an option in the original Halo CE that greatly improved the gameplay. Some people aren't used to it at first but it makes the game more enjoyable in the long run. With motion sensor off the replay ability in Halo CE is infinite!
  8. Armor abilities is by far the worst decision Bungie has ever made affecting the Halo franchise. In my opinion, and many others, the original Halo is unrivaled in multiplayer gameplay experience. To me it's the icing on the cake it terms of straying further from the core, balanced perfection that was the original Halo: CE. Halo CE was the perfect balance of realism and "evolved" combat. Yes, you were a master chief beast, but you could also die if you fell too far. You couldn't fly around like it's freaking Unreal tournament or something. 343, please ignore these absurd requests and make this a true Halo CE remake. For those who disagree, I can only suggest you play the original Halo. Fire up a LAN party, disable gaydar (I mean radar, aka "motion sensor"), and use Human Weapons setting. I guarantee it will be more fun then any of the preceding experiences you've had with Halo 2, 3 or Reach. Summary requests for 343... please don't let foolish requests for "upgrades" compromise the goal of this launch, which is to remake the perfection that is Halo CE. Follow up request, DISABLE motion sensor, it nearly ruins FPS games and Halo CE plays amazing without motion sensor.
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