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  1. Let's not be fanboys here... The Xbox One may be a leap from the 360, but it's still as powerful as a low/mid range PC. Which most people have. High quality graphics is not a road block simply because the majority of PC gamers already have mid or high end gear in their PCs. And even if the graphics would be too intense for some, you will always have the option to customise your visuals however you want (limited ingame, unlimited with mods). Here's an example of how much you can change your game in terms of graphics (BF4): http://i.imgur.com/MEEp4dg.jpg
  2. It's meant to be a Forerunner platform with a dissabled pelican.
  3. Map name: Platform 176 Creator: MrTra1tor Download: MrTra1tor's fileshare Extra features: Shmeef pilot! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIx7PqlGhRs
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